Questions: do i need to do this?
I'm looking at the "don't do that" presentation on iclub
about CAO

in bivio, is this automatic or do I need to enter it, and if
so, where?:
1. …forget to enter your monthly valuations
The consequences
Your unit value won’t change
Any new units purchased will be incorrect
Withdrawn members get paid the wrong amount
How to fix
Enter a valuation for every month for the life of the club

2.…enter extra valuations
3. …forget to enter your Allocation?????Allocation of Income
and Expenses – used to be called DoE

Etana, bivio doesn't 'save' monthly valuations. But you do need to be
aware of what your monthly valuation date is according to your PA, and use
that date on the bivio screen for your member transactions, like payments,
withdrawals, or equal allocation of expenses, if you have any. DON"T just
let the valuation date on the bivio screen default to the transaction date.

Gene Rooks, Space Coast Chapter
Gene Rooks writes:
> DON'T just let the valuation date on the bivio screen default to the
> transaction date.

An alternative is to change your Partnership Agreement to allow this
to be the case. This simplifies matters greatly for the vast majority
of clubs. I highly recommend you read The One Minute Treasurer(tm):

>> DON'T just let the valuation date
>> on the bivio screen default to the
>> transaction date.
> An alternative is to change your
> Partnership Agreement to allow
> this to be the case. This simplifies
> matters greatly for the vast majority
> of clubs.

This is what my club does. For member deposits, the
transaction date and valuation date are both the same as the
meeting date.

-Jim Thomas
You need to follow your PA, so if it says one specific valuation date a
month, use that. But, PA's or by-laws can certainly be amended, and I
suggest doing so if your club would prefer that. You would also need to be
clear on what date you will use as valuation of a member's account for
withdrawal. It is not so much one way is right and another is wrong, the
point is being consistent, transparent, and fair to all members. A
withdrawal valuation should be some specific time known by all that is later
than the time the withdrawal is turned in, to prevent the opportunity for
'market timing' by either the member wishing to withdraw when things are on
the upswing, or from a club wishing to be punitive and waiting to process a
withdrawal when it is on downward mode.

Of course the last couple of weeks would make market timing a real headache,
wouldn't it ;-)