Switching brokers & account sync
Our club is considering switching froEtrade to Scottrade. We need to know if account sync will work with scottrade as it does with etrade. Or, will there be complications in switching and in using account sync with Scottrade?
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ShareBuilder is an AccountSync Broker
We're happy to let you know that ShareBuilder customers can now use our automatic broker import feature. Just click on "info" next to your account name on the Accounting > Accounts page. You can then select ShareBuilder and enter our login info. Cheers, Rob
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Questions: do i need to do this?
I'm looking at the "don't do that" presentation on iclub about CAO in bivio, is this automatic or do I need to enter it, and if so, where?: DON'T 1. ...forget to enter your monthly valuations The consequences Your unit value won't change Any new ...
5 messages
club_cafe: Questions: do i need to do this?
In a message dated 8/16/2007 9:26:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I'm looking at the "don't do that" presentation on iclub about CAO in bivio, is this automatic or do I need to enter it, and if so, where?: DON'T 1. ...forget to enter ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: out of state potential member/s?
I don't know how the NC tax department works, but most won't know what to do with an unexpected letter. It's probably much simpler to just not file. If/when they notice that you haven't filed and send a letter asking for your return, you can ...
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club_cafe: Re: out of state potential member/s?
In a message dated 8/11/2007 1:05:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: My Investment Club is in North Carolina and we have to file an income tax form to the State. I file a D-403 Partnership Income Tax Return and I include 403 part 3.A. ...
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club_cafe: Re: out of state potential member/s?
In a message dated 8/10/2007 10:40:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Ira, I get chills thinking about doing taxes for the club (rather, helping the treasurer, neither of us has any clue to complleting taxes) Makes me want to disband the club to avoid ...
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club_cafe: out of state potential member/s?
In a message dated 8/9/2007 3:41:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Our club is in Maryland. Our last treasurer said that it was too difficult for her to use CAO for members who lived in Virginia or Wash DC, and we did not admit ...
3 messages
out of state potential member/s?
Our club is in Maryland. Our last treasurer said that it was too difficult for her to use CAO for members who lived in Virginia or Wash DC, and we did not admit members who didn't live in MD. Now we are on bivio, with ...
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club_cafe: Partnerships & Start Ups
In a message dated 8/7/2007 11:17:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: In a message dated 8/7/2007 11:09:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Can anyone share information on requirements for starting an investment club in IL? You might want to contact your local BetterInvesting ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Partnerships & Start Ups
In a message dated 8/7/2007 11:09:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Can anyone share information on requirements for starting an investment club in IL? You might want to contact your local BetterInvesting Chapter. You should be able to find contact info at . ...
1 message
club_cafe: Partnerships & Start Ups
Can anyone share information on requirements for starting an investment club in IL? Danny Matthews Messenger Cafe -- open for fun 24/7. Hot games, cool activities served daily. Visit now.
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Fidelity Bond Coverage
Our Club is exploring our options as we approach the renewal date for our BetterInvesting subscription. If we choose non-renewal: * Where else can we obtain reasonably priced Fidelity Bond Coverage? Thank you! Bob Hooper New Pueblo Investment Club Tucson, AZ
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Partnerships & Start Ups
Unless this situation has changed, I believe that when tax time comes around, Bivio cannot handle K1-s from partnerships. Two years ago, our club bought and later sold KMP. At that time Bivio could not handle K-1s and , we had to do the tax ...
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Non-stock investment abroad (in a start-up)
Greetings. Our club wants to consider non stock investment opportunities abroad. We want to invest in small start-ups outside the US and wanted to hear from other clubs incase they have done the same or considering it as a possibility. Questions 1. Our biggest concern ...
5 messages