Covered Call Accounting for Bivio
How do I enter covered call transactions on Bivio? I try entering the option portion as a sale, but it won't let me, saying that I am selling something I don't own. Is there another way to enter the transaction?
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Family withdrawal
I made the mistake of writing a total withdrawal check for a family of four who were all members. The bivio accouting program is not allowing me to break up the withdrawal check into individual members. What can I do and what about tax time?
2 messages
Disbanding Club Questions
I think our club will be disbanding at our next meeting and wanted to get some answers to some questions in preparation. I have read a few postings related to this and now understand that we need to file a tax return within 90 days ...
6 messages
One member wants to withdraw cash
We have one member of our club that would like to pull some of his money out of the club. He does not want to fully withdraw from the club. We have enough cash to pay out the amount he has requested. What is the ...
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unwanted e-mails
How do I stop all of these e-mails that are coming in from a lot of people I do not know? Frank Dunlap
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I entered a member for her first deposit and didn't hav e the information to finish her data form. later i came back and entered her again, accidentally. now when i delete the double the software wants me to finish the 'withdarawl' in terms of ...
3 messages
I would like to see you add Firstrade to the accountsync format. Since we now pay for accountsync because club accounjting was discontinued, we cannot utilize the accountsync services. Changing traders is an option, but as a younger club we have not yet hit the ...
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Fee deducted from foreign dividend
We received a foreign dividend where they deducted foreign tax AND a fee per share. How do we handle this fee in bivio? Is it deductible?
3 messages
What Brokerage does your club use?
Our club is wanting to change brokerage companies. we are tired of not being able to purchase the penny stocks that we would like to purchase just because share builders doesn't trade it. I would like to know what companies you guys use for penny ...
4 messages
Charging expenses without affecting unit values
We have 9 members in our club, and split the $99 Bivio subscription (11 $/ea). I paid for it personally, then took up a collection of 11$/person at the last meeting. When I entered a $99 expense, Bivio subtracted $99 from our cash. I remember ...
9 messages
Add money to Petty Cash Account
I can't figure out how to add money INTO the Petty Cash account. Help. Sam Butler WIN Club
8 messages
AccountSync to Scottrade
We've just moved our investment to Scottrade. What do we need to do to sync this account with bivio. Thanks for your help. Deb
2 messages
Changing a fee to Units
Last year our club members paid a fee of $50 each. We decided a couple months ago to refund back $10 per person and purchase units for them. Is there a way to do this? If i do a withdrawal it takes units away from ...
4 messages
re-inviting club members to log on
It has been too long and i still have club members who have not accepted and logged on to the original invitation. how do i reissue the invitation? or do i need to? can someone tell me the steps the new member would go thru ...
2 messages
re-inviting club members to log on
It has been too long and i still have club members who have not accepted and logged on to the original invitation. how do i reissue the invitation? or do i need to? can someone tell me the steps the new member would go thru ...
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