bivio Dozen
Some bivions heard from:

>C'mon, Mark. You must have a dashboard for the bivio Dozen by now, right?

Yep. We'll keep a running tab at:

We're thinking of updating this dozen stock study ideas on
the Third Thursday of every month. The values shown will
reflect either $100 invested in the "charter members" of the
bivio Dozen on 9/22/2009. Subsequently, we'll invest the
value of the total stock market benchmark (VTI) into
newcomers going forward.

We think the bivio Dozen could serve as fodder for upcoming
club meetings and potential targets for group study.

As a case in point, we'll take a closer look at General
Electric (GE) shortly. GE is on this month's Dozen and it's
the most widely-held stock by bivio clubs. If you're like
me, you probably want to rake this one across the coals --
but you also want to build a reasonable expectation for what
may lie ahead for this industry leader.

We look forward to more stock discussions on this list with
fellow bivions. (grin)

Best wishes and Better Investing,

Mark Robertson