What is another single source other than Value Line that our
Club could use to enter the necessary information to
a SSG.
Thank you to whoever can help.
Hi Jerry,
You can use the S&P Stock Report, which has long been used by BetterInvesting members. Most brokers provide it on their websites. Check with yours.
I highly recommend that you sign up for electronic data files through either BetterInvesting or StockCentral. These companies recently merged, but they are keeping them separate for now. has the lesser expensive data, which comes from Morningstar. They only use audited quarterly and annual data as reported to the SEC, which occasionally means we have to enter a quarter by hand if the data isn't available by our club meeting time. But that's much quicker than having to do the whole thing by hand! You get access to 10 years of data on approx. 8,000 companies for $39.99/year. The website also has plenty of other tools, making the annual fee a good deal.
BI is more expensive at $75 or $79 per year - can't remember which. Theirs is S&P data. They use information from the press releases, which can change before the official numbers are submitted to the SEC. Both services are good. BI has more offerings, but StockCentral is the better deal for data files.
Hope that helps.

Lynn Ostrem

Join me at InvestEd 2010
August 6-8, Baltimore, MD