Suggestion for Bivio
A couple of ideas for Bivio Has Bivio ever thought of adding a report to track a club's share price? It would be interesting to a see a report that would let a club get historical data on the club's share price, and even graph ...
19 messages
Where can I find legal statement
Where can I find a legal statement or contract for the services that you will be charging a fee for? So for all I can find is more testimonials
13 messages
Our club has been around for about 4 years now. The first two of them, we spent with the NAIC. IThe last two with Bivio. I am not sure what the NAIC is charging now for their service now, and I don't really care. The ...
2 messages
Free solution to Bivio
All -- I've built the framework for a spreadsheet that will calculate your club's price and record transactions, and it's totally free. Currently I've built a query to auto-update stock prices from the internet if a user is connected, or the prices can be manually ...
15 messages
new club on line
Just wanted to say hi to the other clubs on here. We just started the other day. We're a bunch of Air Force folks, stationed in Japan, looking to get in the market. Just wanted to say hi. steve
4 messages
looking to join a club?
Massachusetts clubs looking for new members and members looking for clubs come and post your contact information at; Good luck and happy Investing
1 message
Locator Database
Wouldn't it be nice if bivio gave us a database area where we could locate clubs state by state. I think it would be nice to see if there were any other clubs near us.
2 messages
Upcoming bivio changes
Hey, here's an idea. Let's get everyone to sign-up for this great FREE service. We'll tell everyone it's FREE so they will choose us over our competitors who are asking people up front to pay for their services. They will tell all their friends about ...
78 messages
Fee1 message
Referral please?!!
Hi all, if you haven't got a name to enter on the referal space when you sign up - please use ours: playgroundic We are a small club. We love bivio and want to stay. We hope you decide to stay too - and use ...
1 message
Can we interact with Club Cafe from home?
HI, Just wondering if we can interact with CC from home like the yahoo groups and I-Club-List? I forget to come look here but would find it easier if the messages came to my inbox and I could reply from there. I think we could ...
1 message
Contacting Bivio by Phone
Is there a way to contact someone at Bivio by phone? I still have some very "specific-to-my-club" questions about the new pricing structure. If not, is there a way to contact someone thru e-mail (not a message board)? My questions have not been answered by ...
2 messages
Club Fees
After reviewing all of the responses on the board concerning the new fees which will be levied in 2002, I must say that It would love to see Bivio remain free, it is just not possible. There is no free ride, it costs money to ...
4 messages
Be realistic about the fees.
I have been away from the computer for a couple of days and just have three comments. 1. I found it totally ridiculous that Rob Nagler (Bivio CTO) came on this board and posted that a considerable amount of soul-seaching was done prior to making ...
3 messages
New fee structure
I am not interested in the Bivio Bucks. Too much trouble and I don't have time to do your selling for you. I want to make sure I have the fee structure correct (especially taking into account that I am not going to even think ...
2 messages