Where can I find legal statement
Where can I find a legal statement or contract for the
services that you will be charging a fee for? So for all I
can find is more testimonials
> Where can I find a legal statement or contract for the
> services that you will be charging a fee for?

We have three legal documents which govern your use of and rights at
bivio. On the bottom of every page, you'll see a link "Terms of
Service". Here's the URL:

Our privacy statement, which is approved by can
be found on every page under "Safe & Private":

Finally, if you connect your broker account with AccountSync, you must
agree to:

If you have any questions about these documents, please email and we'll be happy to answer them.

Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.

I think what's being asked for is a statement of what will be provided for
the service fee. Nowhere, for example, does the user.html link indicate
that bivio provides the software to perform accounting functions nor is
there any indication that the software will manage the tax reporting needs
for clubs. There is no promise or description of the services that will be
provided and for what fee on the links you provided.

I think what's being requested is a form that clearly indicates that bivio
promises to provide its users the software framework and support to
administer to the accounting and tax reporting requirements of an investment
club for a period of one year and for a cost of $59.

John Munn

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Nagler" <>
To: "The Club Cafe" <>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: Where can I find legal statement

> > Where can I find a legal statement or contract for the
> > services that you will be charging a fee for?
> We have three legal documents which govern your use of and rights at
> bivio. On the bottom of every page, you'll see a link "Terms of
> Service". Here's the URL:
> Our privacy statement, which is approved by can
> be found on every page under "Safe & Private":
> Finally, if you connect your broker account with AccountSync, you must
> agree to:
> If you have any questions about these documents, please email
> and we'll be happy to answer them.
> Rob Nagler
> bivio Inc.
> I think what's being asked for is a statement of what will be provided for
> the service fee.

This page describes what we offer:

Is the language not clear?

This Terms of Service is out dated. Last revised 1/14/2001.
 Section 5 is

"Fees. Registering is free. We provide additional services
which are fee based. We may in our sole discretion add,
delete or change some or all of our services at any time. "

Will this be rewritten now that you are charging a fee?
I would prefer to keep this in the open and not with direct

Rob Nagler wrote:
> > Where can I find a legal statement or contract for the
> > services that you will be charging a fee for?
> We have three legal documents which govern your use of and rights at
> bivio. On the bottom of every page, you'll see a link "Terms of
> Service". Here's the URL:
> Our privacy statement, which is approved by can
> be found on every page under "Safe & Private":
> Finally, if you connect your broker account with AccountSync, you must
> agree to:
> If you have any questions about these documents, please email
> and we'll be happy to answer them.
> Rob Nagler
> bivio Inc.
> Fees. Registering is free.

Registering is still free and will remain free forever. We provide
free services, such as "Connect" and "My Demo Club", which are only
available to registered users.

We have had fee-based services for a year. That's this part:

  We provide additional services which are fee based. We may in our
  sole discretion add, delete or change some or all of our services at
  any time.
We changed the fees and the schedule was published at the time.

> Will this be rewritten now that you are charging a fee?

It doesn't need to be rewritten. As a legal document, it is correct.
> I would prefer to keep this in the open and not with direct
> emails.


Our legally documents have been reviewed by an independent auditor
(TRUSTe). We are undergoing site review by TRUSTe right now. They
are very thorough. Please contact them if you'd like to learn more:

Thanks for the additional link, Rob. I've not been here before a few
moments ago. It looks clear enough to me. Thanks for the additional


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Nagler" <>
To: "The Club Cafe" <>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: Where can I find legal statement

> > I think what's being asked for is a statement of what will be provided
> > the service fee.
> This page describes what we offer:
> Is the language not clear?
> Rob
"We may in our sole discretion add, delete or change some or
all of our services at any time."

So if we pay $59.00 and you then close the site or want to
charge more or stop some of the services you are legally
right to do so?

When it was free that was ok, but you are now asking for

What about a refund policy?
How about a some assurance that for $59.00 you Will get a
list of services without any changes within the tax year.

Rob Nagler wrote:
> > Fees. Registering is free.
> Registering is still free and will remain free forever. We provide
> free services, such as "Connect" and "My Demo Club", which are only
> available to registered users.
> We have had fee-based services for a year. That's this part:
> We provide additional services which are fee based. We may in our
> sole discretion add, delete or change some or all of our services at
> any time.
> We changed the fees and the schedule was published at the time.
> > Will this be rewritten now that you are charging a fee?
> It doesn't need to be rewritten. As a legal document, it is correct.
> > I would prefer to keep this in the open and not with direct
> > emails.
> Absolutely!
> Our legally documents have been reviewed by an independent auditor
> (TRUSTe). We are undergoing site review by TRUSTe right now. They
> are very thorough. Please contact them if you'd like to learn more:
> Cheers,
> Rob

I'm still a little confused over the free three month incentive. Is this
correct that if I subscribe now as an existing club then I will receive
three free months of subscription service in addition to my year's

A few other questions:
1. Will service be prorated for partial year's use?

2. If I defer signing up until December 30, and I receive an additional 3
months of service, will I then have until March 30, 2003 to complete my 2002
taxes under my 12/30/01 one year's subscription?


John Munn
The language in our user agreements is standard - it protects the company in a litigious society.
We will make every effort to live up to your expectations as a customer.
> I'm still a little confused over the free three month incentive. Is this
> correct that if I subscribe now as an existing club then I will receive
> three free months of subscription service in addition to my year's
> subscription?

No. As an existing club, you receive 30 bivio Bucks and a free trial
until 12/31/01. This works out to be a much better deal than new
clubs get.

> 1. Will service be prorated for partial year's use?

If you upgrade, you'll receive an "upgrade discount" for the unused
portion of the lower service. You can upgrade for free within the
first month and receive 100% value for the lower service.

> 2. If I defer signing up until December 30, and I receive an additional 3
> months of service, will I then have until March 30, 2003 to complete my 2002
> taxes under my 12/30/01 one year's subscription?

Yes, if you sign up as an entirely new club. However, you lose your
30 bivio Bucks and you have to go through the work going through
registering everybody, getting everybody to know the new Club ID, etc.
The choice is yours.

Having used NCA 1.04 while exporting to Bivio etc. for the
past year or so, and given the future costs to stay with the
NCA product, we have just about concluded our deliberations
and decided to go with Bivio as of December. However, I
seem to recall a post a week or two back regarding referring
other clubs and/or being referred by other clubs at the time
we order as a means to gain some type of financial
consideration in 2003 from Bivio. Can you run through the
exact how to etc. of that again for me? Thanks....
Don Maurer
We-Vest Investment Club

Rob Nagler wrote:
> > I'm still a little confused over the free three month incentive. Is this
> > correct that if I subscribe now as an existing club then I will receive
> > three free months of subscription service in addition to my year's
> > subscription?
> No. As an existing club, you receive 30 bivio Bucks and a free trial
> until 12/31/01. This works out to be a much better deal than new
> clubs get.
> > 1. Will service be prorated for partial year's use?
> If you upgrade, you'll receive an "upgrade discount" for the unused
> portion of the lower service. You can upgrade for free within the
> first month and receive 100% value for the lower service.
> > 2. If I defer signing up until December 30, and I receive an additional 3
> > months of service, will I then have until March 30, 2003 to complete my 2002
> > taxes under my 12/30/01 one year's subscription?
> Yes, if you sign up as an entirely new club. However, you lose your
> 30 bivio Bucks and you have to go through the work going through
> registering everybody, getting everybody to know the new Club ID, etc.
> The choice is yours.
> Rob
You can get bivio Bucks from two sources.
1) since you had an exiting bivio club on November 1st, you'll get $30 bivio Bucks for subscribing before the end of the year. You can apply this discount to future subscriptions.
2) when other clubs subscribe to bivio, they can enter your Club ID as the club that referred them. Each time a club does so, your club gets $20 bivio Bucks, which you can apply right away to any subscriptions.
So let as many clubs as you know about bivio, and ask them to enter your Club ID as the referring club.
Hope that clears it up.