Suggestion for Bivio
A couple of ideas for Bivio...

Has Bivio ever thought of adding a report to track a club's
share price? It would be interesting to a see a report that
would let a club get historical data on the club's share
price, and even graph that.

It would also be interesting to see the historical price say
graphed against the S&P 500, maybe the Bivio club index, the
Dow Jones, etc.

Also, I think it would be interesting if Bivio would have a
"club of the week" feature. Perhaps on the Bivio website
would be a page and every week a different club would be
randomly selected. Perhaps some of the following
information would be there:

Club History
Club Name and it's origin
Some of the club's current investments
Club stock selection philosophy
# of members
Some of club's best and worst investments

I think a lot of club's would like to get to know other
clubs that use Bivio and this would be an interesting way to
do that, and it wouldn't require much work.

Just a couple of ideas,

> Has Bivio ever thought of adding a report to track a club's
> share price?

This is a good idea. Let's say we're thinking about it.

> It would also be interesting to see the historical price say
> graphed against the S&P 500, maybe the Bivio club index, the
> Dow Jones, etc.

Another good idea.

> Also, I think it would be interesting if Bivio would have a
> "club of the week" feature.

Good idea. We've shied away from anything that resembles marketing
clubs. The SEC might not like this. OTOH, Better Investing has a
club of the month. We'll think about it.

> I think a lot of club's would like to get to know other
> clubs that use Bivio and this would be an interesting way to
> do that, and it wouldn't require much work.

Right now our focus is on adding AccountSync brokerages (another
convenience item ;-) and compatibility features.

If the AccountSync additions go smoothly, I could imagine your first
two suggestions would get implemented before taxes in December.

I really appreciate the suggestions. It's important to know what you
folks want to make it more useful.

Convenience has become a hot topic eh?

I had one more idea. I have an account at TD Waterhouse,
among other places, and they allow users access to Standard
& Poors stock reports, which cover several thousand stocks.
This would be an excellent addition to Bivio.

Maybe Bivio could add something like this, that would be
more substantive. Of course I don't know what S&P would
charge for the privelege of providing those reports, but I
imagine it's not cheap.

Along those lines I think Bivio could benefit by adding
other investor tools, aside from reports. Information and
material that would help clubs do research on stocks. Maybe
a partnership with a HooversOnline or an Investor's Business
Daily, or anything else like that to bring research/analysis
to the table for members of Bivio.

Just a couple more ideas.


Rob Nagler wrote:
> > Has Bivio ever thought of adding a report to track a club's
> > share price?
> This is a good idea. Let's say we're thinking about it.
> > It would also be interesting to see the historical price say
> > graphed against the S&P 500, maybe the Bivio club index, the
> > Dow Jones, etc.
> Another good idea.
> > Also, I think it would be interesting if Bivio would have a
> > "club of the week" feature.
> Good idea. We've shied away from anything that resembles marketing
> clubs. The SEC might not like this. OTOH, Better Investing has a
> club of the month. We'll think about it.
> > I think a lot of club's would like to get to know other
> > clubs that use Bivio and this would be an interesting way to
> > do that, and it wouldn't require much work.
> Right now our focus is on adding AccountSync brokerages (another
> convenience item ;-) and compatibility features.
> If the AccountSync additions go smoothly, I could imagine your first
> two suggestions would get implemented before taxes in December.
> I really appreciate the suggestions. It's important to know what you
> folks want to make it more useful.
> Rob
While your at it...

You might see if Ellis is willing to market his Market data through bivio.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Washburn" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 6:05 PM
Subject: club_cafe: Re: Suggestion for Bivio

> Convenience has become a hot topic eh?
> I had one more idea. I have an account at TD Waterhouse,
> among other places, and they allow users access to Standard
> & Poors stock reports, which cover several thousand stocks.
> This would be an excellent addition to Bivio.
> Maybe Bivio could add something like this, that would be
> more substantive. Of course I don't know what S&P would
> charge for the privelege of providing those reports, but I
> imagine it's not cheap.
> Along those lines I think Bivio could benefit by adding
> other investor tools, aside from reports. Information and
> material that would help clubs do research on stocks. Maybe
> a partnership with a HooversOnline or an Investor's Business
> Daily, or anything else like that to bring research/analysis
> to the table for members of Bivio.
> Just a couple more ideas.
> Chris
> Rob Nagler wrote:
> > > Has Bivio ever thought of adding a report to track a club's
> > > share price?
> >
> > This is a good idea. Let's say we're thinking about it.
> >
> > > It would also be interesting to see the historical price say
> > > graphed against the S&P 500, maybe the Bivio club index, the
> > > Dow Jones, etc.
> >
> > Another good idea.
> >
> > > Also, I think it would be interesting if Bivio would have a
> > > "club of the week" feature.
> >
> > Good idea. We've shied away from anything that resembles marketing
> > clubs. The SEC might not like this. OTOH, Better Investing has a
> > club of the month. We'll think about it.
> >
> > > I think a lot of club's would like to get to know other
> > > clubs that use Bivio and this would be an interesting way to
> > > do that, and it wouldn't require much work.
> >
> > Right now our focus is on adding AccountSync brokerages (another
> > convenience item ;-) and compatibility features.
> >
> > If the AccountSync additions go smoothly, I could imagine your first
> > two suggestions would get implemented before taxes in December.
> >
> > I really appreciate the suggestions. It's important to know what you
> > folks want to make it more useful.
> >
> > Rob
> Convenience has become a hot topic eh?

My middle name.

> Maybe Bivio could add something like this, that would be
> more substantive. Of course I don't know what S&P would
> charge for the privelege of providing those reports, but I
> imagine it's not cheap.

It wouldn't be cheap. We would love to add it.

> Along those lines I think Bivio could benefit by adding
> other investor tools, aside from reports.

Yes, we've been thinking along these lines.

Thanks again,

I hope for something a bank
reconciliation feature.

Rob Nagler wrote:
> > Convenience has become a hot topic eh?

> I hope for something a bank
> reconciliation feature.

This would be handy. Do you want the "little checkboxes" or just the
ability to see which transactions are outstanding in a given month?

Our current recommendation to clubs is that they close their bank
accounts, deposit directly with their broker, and let AccountSync do
the work.

Hmmm.. "little checkboxes" would definitely be a plus.

AccountSync is a future possibility.

It's nice of you to offer to do ALL of the work Rob, but
Bivio has created a tremendous amount of free time for me.
Eventually, after the relief has subsided, this could cause
me to suffer some type of emptiness syndrome. Those "little
checkboxes" may possibly be the one thing that ceases the
empty void, and makes me once again feel needed.

Thanks for all you do.


P.S. The check is in the mail. :)

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Deborah,
> > I hope for something a bank
> > reconciliation feature.
> This would be handy. Do you want the "little checkboxes" or just the
> ability to see which transactions are outstanding in a given month?
> Our current recommendation to clubs is that they close their bank
> accounts, deposit directly with their broker, and let AccountSync do
> the work.
> Rob
Hey Rob,
A voting feature would be great also. Is it possible to have
such a feature in place by Jan. 1
I dream of having a chat room that WORKS ! :)

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
On 11/14/2001 at 5:05 PM Brian Lancaster wrote:

Hey Rob,
A voting feature would be great also. Is it possible to have
such a feature in place by Jan. 1

> It's nice of you to offer to do ALL of the work Rob, but
> Bivio has created a tremendous amount of free time for me.

We're just sitting here twiddling our thumbs, too. ;-)

> Eventually, after the relief has subsided, this could cause
> me to suffer some type of emptiness syndrome.

I recommend getting a dog or a cat or a llama or a -- trying
not to offend the <fill-in-your-favorite-animal>-lovers out there.

> Thanks for all you do.

We're having lots of fun doing it.

> P.S. The check is in the mail. :)

Thanks muchly,
> A voting feature would be great also. Is it possible to have
> such a feature in place by Jan. 1

Not by Jan 1, sorry. We do like idea, and, sadly, had it in a
prototype over two years ago. Unfortunately, prototype and reality
are often far apart.

It's high up on the non-accounting features list.

> I dream of having a chat room that WORKS ! :)

It is interesting that most chat rooms are really poorly implemented.
We've looked into a variety of off-the-shell chatrooms and frankly,
none matched the quality of our accounting.

Could you do an instant messaging thing like ICQ or AOL Instant
Messanger? IRC is another possibility, but requires a bit more
computer knowledge. I don't think we can compete with the quality of
these tools.

Deborah... What a great idea.

Rob... If you're familiar with the personal finance software
(Quicken/Money)... those would be great models to consider. Not all brokers
participate in AccountSync and not all money markets allow transactions of
small amounts such as postage reimbursements. For some clubs, a bank
account is required (at least in our by-laws... despite my best efforts to
ditch it). Bank accounts are here to stay.

So, if the reconciliation could start with the bank's closing balance
reconcile to the bank's closing balance, that would be a great feature to

John Munn

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Nagler" <>
To: "The Club Cafe" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: Re: Re: Suggestion for Bivio

> Deborah,
> > I hope for something a bank
> > reconciliation feature.
> This would be handy. Do you want the "little checkboxes" or just the
> ability to see which transactions are outstanding in a given month?
> Our current recommendation to clubs is that they close their bank
> accounts, deposit directly with their broker, and let AccountSync do
> the work.
> Rob
I hear you...

We tried a Yahoo chat room -- it wouldn't load
We tried the NAIC/NOCA site -- that chat room crashed every 10
minutes or so
We haven't done AOL IM as a club -- but it works perfectly for my
personal family -- we LOVE it ! :)

MyFamily.Com has been working pretty well for the club.

As a treasurer, I am committed to Bivio and BuyandHold -- and
AccountSync is sounding better and better all the time. :)

Looking forward to whatever new features are on the way ...

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
On 11/14/2001 at 2:29 PM Rob Nagler wrote:

> I dream of having a chat room that WORKS ! :)

It is interesting that most chat rooms are really poorly implemented.
We've looked into a variety of off-the-shell chatrooms and frankly,
none matched the quality of our accounting.

Could you do an instant messaging thing like ICQ or AOL Instant
Messanger? IRC is another possibility, but requires a bit more
computer knowledge. I don't think we can compete with the quality of
these tools.

