Club data retention on Bivio
My club officially disbanded last year. I have printed the K-i's and the 1065 and downloaded/archived all the club info from Bivio. Our Bivio subscription expires on 4/15. Question 1: What do I have to do by way of cleanup on Bivio? Question 2: If ...
5 messages
club_cafe: wash sales
> Lynn has it almost precisely correct. Now see? That's why we need you! <G> > You adjust your basis in the new shares by increasing it by the > amount of the deferred loss. So my question is, would there be any good reason ...
2 messages
club_cafe: wash sales
can i sell some of > my shares of HRH (at a loss) and turnaround the next day and > buy some shares at the current price? or do i have to wait > 30 days? if so, why? thanks for any help. kim >>Hi ...
2 messages
wash sales
i'm not really familiar with wash sales so here's my question. i have some shares of HRH that i bought at close to $40. right now it's NAV is about $32. can i sell some of my shares of HRH (at a loss) and turnaround ...
3 messages
Accounting for Wash Sales
Hello Cafers: Our club is going to sell 2 stocks this month to pay off 2 departing members. I consider one stock "good ridance", but I'd like to recommend that we wait 31 days and start buying the other one back. If we do that, ...
2 messages
taxes codes
i may have to call the FTB but i figured i'd ask my questions here first. FIRST: in my state tax book (CA), it states that the principal business code (supposedly the same # for federal) for investment clubs should be 523910. however when i ...
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Making positive cash flow
What are you guys doing to make positive cash flow.
2 messages
I notice on Yahoo today Adobe is selling for about 33 per share, yesterday was about the same. But our account valuation report shows 48 per share, what gives? Steve
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filing state taxes-california
i just realized (lamely!) that we have to file state tax forms. (california) i was just wondering if anyone has found that they have to make adjustments, or if the information is pretty much the same on the federal and the state forms. btw, our ...
2 messages
club_cafe: NY State Filing Fee?
Two comments As a general partnership you do not file IT-204-LL and do not pay the filing fee. As a NY partnership, you must list ALL partners on IT-204-ATT, not just the NY partners. The instruction to list only NY partners applies to "foreign" partnerships ...
1 message
NY State Filing Fee?
My Club is a general partnership formed in New York State with members in New York and CT. I am aware that I need to file the form IT-204 and IT-204-ATT for the NYS members, but do I need to file and pay the IT-204-LL ...
1 message
Latest news on NJ Partnership filing rules
The State of NJ has issued a document summarizing all of the changes as they apply to NJ partnerships. It can be found here: Among the important issues which have NOT been discussed to death already: 1) All partnerships which are not Qualified Investment ...
1 message
Is there any way I can backup the information about our club, i.e. Members, Investments, etc., to a CD or a Zip drive. If so where can I find the directions? Is the information in Downloading Files with Internet Explorer? Thanks for your help, Charlotte
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club_cafe: Re: consolidated audit
>>Does anyone know how "Small Partnership" is defined in section 6231(a)(1)(B)(i)? Is the text of that section available on the internet? In particuar, is it possible to be a "Small Partnership" if you have more than 10 members? Section 6231. Definitions and special rules (a) ...
1 message
club_cafe: consolidated audit
Even with 3 members, you are eligible for consolidated audit treatment, *IF* you make the election to be subject to it. According to the instructions for Form 1065, checking the box for Question 4, Schedule B is not sufficient. You must make the election separately. ...
5 messages