club_cafe: Withdrawing Members and Withdrawal Reports
Under Accounting>>Reports, there should be an underlined link at the bottom of the screen which says "withdrawal reports." Try clicking on the link. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 01/23/03 11:47:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: This is our club's first member withdrawal since ...
2 messages
Withdrawing Members and Withdrawal Reports
This is our club's first member withdrawal since signing up with Bivio. (We have used NAIC Club Accounting since our club's inception in 1996.) In the past when we had a member withdraw, there was a "withdrawal report" that I could generate, print and send ...
1 message
Terminating Club
Our club voted to disband in 2003. Is there a form that we need to send to the IRS to let them know that our Partnership is not going on? Thanks Glenn
3 messages
Personal Portfolio tracker
I have my Club on Bivio, but I would like to have a personal tracker for my own investments. I use the Motley Fools site for my own tracker but I have to pay every year to keep my portfolio tracker their. I was looking ...
2 messages
Differences in Historic Price Per Share Values
Using 12/31/2001 as the conversion date for setting up a club under bivio, the price per share of NAIC Growth Fund shows up as $10.75. Since this value was different than what had been recorded on the year-end statement for the club, I accessed Yahoo ...
3 messages
Access to Multiple Clubs on Bivio
Belonging to two investment clubs, I set up the first one using my new home email address. No problem-- works great. I am now in the process of setting up the second investment club for trial under bivio, and tried to use the same email ...
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Latest on NJ $150/partner annual fee
The latest version of the proposed revision to the NJ "$150 per partner" fee is available at the NJ Legislature web site. statement describing the revision: pdf html text of the substituted bill: pdf html The $150/partner fee will now apply ...
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Stock Voting
What is the best way for voting on stocks in a meeting when there is more than one good option? We have discussed the possibility of using a weighted vote, that is assigning numbers to each stock and selecting those with the most votes, but ...
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club_cafe: Adding a partner
In a message dated 01/15/03 10:41:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: As to your specific situation it appears you have a new member buying out an old member? There is a way to make this transaction happen in Bivio. You do NOT want to ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Re: Adding a partner
I would just keep the letter from your former partner as proof that she willingly retired from your group. A rider can be as simple as a separate document that makes reference to your existing partnership agreement. Call it attachment A and then reference the ...
1 message
club_cafe: Members Under the Age 18
Taxes are not a problem. Children file tax returns when their income reaches the appropriate level. I imagine that membership in the form of an UTMA/UGMA account would be acceptable, IF your partnership agreement allows it. The partnership agreement should also indicate how voting and ...
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club_cafe: Members Under the Age 18
Very interesting. How are they going to handle their taxes? I have seen schools form investment clubs, and they sometimes do quite well. I do know that minors are not often allowed to enter into contracts, and partnership agreements are considered contracts. I would cautions ...
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Members Under the Age 18
My grandsons, who are both under the age of 18, have recently become members of our Investment Club. They are 11 and 9 years old, and my daughter is their Custodiian. Do my grandsons have a say in our voting process, even though they just ...
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club_cafe: Adding a partner
Your partnership agreement should speak to the issue of adding and removing members. This area would state that a new member needs to: (insert whatever criterion / initial payment - units - so forth). The new member would need to sign the partnership agreement. I ...
1 message
Adding a partner
We are adding a new partner to our club for the first time. We have everything handled from the financial side, but how do we handle it from a legal perspective? Do we just need to add her to the signature page on the partnership ...
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