club_cafe: NY State Filing Fee?
Two comments...

As a general partnership you do not file IT-204-LL and do not pay the filing fee.

As a NY partnership, you must list ALL partners on IT-204-ATT, not just the NY partners. The instruction to list only NY partners applies to "foreign" partnerships (registered outside NY) with NY partners.

Ira Smilovitz

In a message dated 03/20/03 1:48:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

My Club is a general partnership formed in New York State
with members in New York and CT.  I am aware that I need to
file the form IT-204 and IT-204-ATT for the NYS members, but
do I need to file and pay the IT-204-LL since the
partnership is NOT an LLC or LLP???  I know this is a
complicated question but any opinions at all would be