Accounting for Wash Sales
Hello Cafers:

Our club is going to sell 2 stocks this month to pay off 2
departing members. I consider one stock "good ridance", but
I'd like to recommend that we wait 31 days and start buying
the other one back.

If we do that, what happens with the Valuation Statement?
Will the program recognize the ticker symbol and take
previous buys and sells into consideration when calculating
its total return? Or will it start fresh?


Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
Crow River Investment Club
Lynn Ostrem wrote:
> Will the program recognize the ticker symbol and take
> previous buys and sells into consideration when calculating
> its total return? Or will it start fresh?
Our software will only track one cash flow per investment, so the
performance calculations will include the previous transactions. This
may produce misleading results for investments which were sold a long
time ago and then repurchased later, but shouldn't have
much effect in your case.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.