Various Partial Withdrawals
If a partner has invested over some time $10K and the value increased to -say- $17K, and he does a partial withdrawal in cash for $15K, does he have any tax to declare? What would show on his K1? Is it true that by his ...
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P&G sale to Smuckers
Can anyone direct me to the vital statistics on the sale P&G made to Smuckers of their interests in JIF and Crisco? We ended up with 1+ shares of Smuckers, and the same number of P&G shares. Was this a spinoff? I need the figures ...
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New Club
We started our club 3 months ago, tax year is here & we do not know what to do. 1-We have our 1065 form that we printed from Bivio. As a general partnership is this 1065 and a schedul K-1 copies the only form we ...
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Foreign Tax Paid by mutual fund
My 1099 box 1A (dividend) includes Foreign Tax Paid how do I make the dividend in Bivio match the 1099?
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Schwab Account Sync
Schwab used to permit login using the club's Schwab account number. Now they require an individual's SSN. How secure is the information regarding the Schwab login information that is stored at bivio? How can I see this information? How can I prevent others from seeing ...
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Transactions - Edit
Accessed Transaction file and edited Dividend to Qualified dividedn & saved. Change did not take. Tried again NG. Another stock that was sold in 2003 had Dividend listed instead of Qualified Dividend. Since stock not in the 2004 portfolio it could not be accessed for ...
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club_cafe: late penalty
In a message dated 1/29/2004 4:23:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: we charge members a penalty for being late with payments. If we put the penalty money in petty cash, doesn't that give the late payer extra units in Bivio?? We don't want late ...
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late penalty
we charge members a penalty for being late with payments. If we put the penalty money in petty cash, doesn't that give the late payer extra units in Bivio?? We don't want late paying members to get more units than those members who pay on ...
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club_cafe: Re: Partial Withdrawal Tax Reporting
Life time, of course. One of the beauties of owning a partnership interest is that you can add and subtract money as much as you want. As the partnership does its thing, its income and expenses get added and subtracted along with your capital contributions. ...
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club_cafe: Partial Withdrawal Tax Reporting
>>During 2003, one of our club members made a partial withdrawal of $3,500 to buy an RV. >>The withdrawal is shown on line 22 of the Schedule K-1 how does this person report this on their 1040? Both of us tried reading the IRS instructions ...
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Correcting errors that go back several years
Thanks to Rip West for his response to this query in the NAIC Club-Treasurers newsgroup: Steve, The 'correct' answer is to go back, correct all the entries when recorded, redo your distribution of earnings for each year, file amended partnership returns for your club for ...
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Partial Withdrawal Tax Reporting
During 2003, one of our club members made a partial withdrawal of $3,500 to buy an RV. The withdrawal is shown on line 22 of the Schedule K-1 how does this person report this on their 1040? Both of us tried reading the IRS instructions ...
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Correcting errors that go back several years
I have only recently gotten involved with our club's record keeping. In reviewing the accounting records I discovered numerous omissions and errors going back to the time the club started in 1996. Unfortunately, we are not a model club, although I am trying to change ...
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Tax Shelter Number
I have just distributed K-1's to my club members. This is our 5th year of operation. One of my members tax software is not letting him past the K-1 page unless he provides a "Tax Shelter Number". Our partnership is not a tax shelter. Did ...
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NJ Partnership Fee Revised
Partnership Fee (TRENTON) -Governor James E. McGreevey signed the following bills into law on Wednesday, January 14: SCS for S-1770/1773/ACS for A-2100/2666/2690 (Bark/Inverso/Singer/ Bodine/Chatzidakis/Cottrell/Malone/Roberts/Sires) - Exempts certain investment clubs from certain partnership fee and payment requirements. ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE STATEMENT TO SENATE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR ...
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