New Club
We started our club 3 months ago, tax year is here & we do
not know what to do.

1-We have our 1065 form that we printed from Bivio. As a
general partnership is this 1065 and a schedul K-1 copies
the only form we send to the IRS?

2- We have 5 members & two of them are not US. legal
residece (do not have green card) but they have tax payer
ID#. given by the IRS
do we need to send any additional forms because of this two
mebers? if so, what forms?
And finally we did not have any profits for the 3 monhs as a
club and have a $ -155 loss. Do we still send the 1065 Form
to the IRS?
We have not made money but we have learn a lot about the
stockmaret this is great.
Thank you in advaced