Valuation Reports & Options
I recently subscribed to Bivio due to the addition of option accounting. I noticed that after an expiration month has passed, historical valuation reports show my options as $0.00 An example, I owned GM Sept 42.5 Calls and when I now run a valuation report ...
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Problems with Buy And Hold
Over the last couple years I have noticed some problems with the Buy And Hold service. Reinvestments are not handled correctly, and some balances are not reported correctly. Has anyone else been having this problem? Can anyone suggest a more reliable firm to handle our ...
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Every time we make a change in our club, the broker needs signatures from all members. As we have 30 members living all over the area, it is not easy at all to fulfull this requirement. Is there a simple way to handle this problem? ...
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How to do a merger on Compucom systems (CMPC)
The problem is it was bought out and the new company is not listed. It's not a public traded company. should I just put it is a company I sold? Thank you!
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How do people form clubs on here???
I cant find any local members who wanna invest?? Are there clubs out there I can join??? If so HOW?!?!?! I'd love to start my own but dont know how to attract fellow investors??? I dont really care where they're from. Any ideas or helpful ...
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Officer elections
We started our club about two years ago with officers holding their positions for two years so we need to hold officer nominations and elections. We have five positions, managing partner, assistant managing partner, money manager, historian, and market tracker and 13 current members. Any ...
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New Member Decision Making Process
Can anyone recommend a good way to screen potential new members into the club? Do existing members interview the potentials? Is there some sort of vote? I'd appreciate any guidance on this matter. Thanks! Paul Ellwood Totem Partnership
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Fully withdrawn members returning to club
How do I enter this when a member had previously withdrawn all his funds fully, and then later has decided to rejoin the club? Thanks!
6 messages
How do I join a current club?
Hi am new here and seeking info on how to join a current club?
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club_cafe: Problems with Buy And Hold
Last year we were having a lot of problems when we requested checks from buyandhold so we finally got fed up and moved to BrownCo. Now I can say we're very happy with them. They are always attentive and the $5 commission is well worth ...
1 message
Announcement: Accounting for Options and Short Sales
We are pleased to announce the release of ActivePartnership(tm), a new bivio service which includes accounting for options and short sales. The base price for ActivePartnership(tm) is $149 per year, which gives you access to Club Accounting, AccountSync(tm), and full support for options and short ...
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Our club would like to survey our members regarding their satisfaction with the club etc. Have any of you done this? If so would you share how you did it and what questions you asked. Thanks Doris Small
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New members
Our present Club members have been in the Club going on six years. We all know what is required of membership. Why would any present member recommend a new member without telling him/her what is required in being a member of the Club? No one ...
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New version released: - Faster Performance - quicker response times - Preview of sharing other member's stock analysis - Analyst's estimates added to Graph page - Re-arranging information in Section 4 per your feed-back Thanks for all your feed-back. Rajiv
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club talley
What happened to the talley at the top of Bivio's Home page showing the number of clubs and members.
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