Business Code
Over on the NAIC treasurer's list it was mentioned that the correct Business Code for an Investment Club for the 1065 is 523910, not 525990. I notice that bivio uses the later. -Jim Thomas
3 messages
GM-Hughes and News Corp Merger
Hi, At the end of December, 2003 the merger of GM Cl -H(GMH) and News Corp(NWS.A) was completed. Owners of GMH received both shares of Hughes Electronics Corp. (HS) and News Corp (NWS.A) as well as cash in lieu on both new stocks. Does anybody ...
4 messages
club_cafe: Recording a Member Fee for Joining
In a message dated 2/8/2004 12:28:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: According to our By Laws when a member joins after the club has been established there is a joining fee. We had a member who joined late and the fee was collected and ...
1 message
Calculating Performance for 2nd Buy
Our club sold AES for a tax loss in 2003 and bought it again in 2004 - long enough later to avoid a wash sale. We want to keep track of this stock separately from the first buy and sell. Since it downloads from the ...
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Writing Options
Our club has recently written some covered calls/options on a stock that we own. It is a good way to generate some income for us right now. The problem is we can not figure out a way to account for this through Bivio. The problem ...
1 message
member withdraw
In switching to bivio and importing data I have a member who withdrew from our club but is showing up now in bivio with .000001 unit and no funds. I can not withdraw him in bivio because he does not show up on the roster ...
2 messages
Recording a Member Fee for Joining
According to our By Laws when a member joins after the club has been established there is a joining fee. We had a member who joined late and the fee was collected and entered as a fee. No under the Member Performance report the Annualized ...
1 message
Club Data
Noted tool for exporting club data. Under what conditions would it be necessary to restore data? Ray Marchand
2 messages
club_cafe: Money Market Service Fees
In a message dated 2/7/2004 2:22:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Our broker (Wachovia) has shown on the year end statement an additional Money Market Dividend. The explanation is "an administrative service fee is charged on balances in the money market funds available for ...
1 message
Should I pack a toothbrush?
I have had one huge headache looking for a seventeen cent ($.17) discrepancy between our Bivio records and the our Broker's numbers. I have gone over it and over it and over it again with no luck. What do you do in a case such ...
4 messages
Money Market Service Fees
Our broker (Wachovia) has shown on the year end statement an additional Money Market Dividend. The explanation is "an administrative service fee is charged on balances in the money market funds available for cash sweeps and is deducted automatically deducted from monthly income in the ...
1 message
QCOM dividends
Any club that owns/owned QCOM in 2003 needs to read this. QCOM has announced that the first three dividend distributions it made in 2003 are a return of capital and not qualified dividends as originally reported. The December 26 distribution can tentatively be considered ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re.Partial Withdrawals
In a message dated 2/6/2004 7:34:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: IRA re. your last sentence "in general funding partial withdrawals with cash is the easiest choice" I am restating the situation: Over years a partner has invested PLUS distributed earnings, and now has ...
1 message
Re.Partial Withdrawals
IRA re. your last sentence "in general funding partial withdrawals with cash is the easiest choice" I am restating the situation: Over years a partner has invested PLUS distributed earnings, and now has a cost basis of $10K. His ownership in the club's portfolio amounts ...
1 message
club_cafe: Various Partial Withdrawals
>>If a partner has invested over some time $10K and the value increased to -say- $17K, and he does a partial withdrawal in cash for $15K, does he have any tax to declare? Possibly. It depends on what his total investments PLUS distributed earnings are ...
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