help needed on how to i un-withdraw a member?
would love some help on this one...

I paid out a member on his withdrawal from our fabulous
club...but made an error in the withdrawal amount in Bivio,
but the correct amount was transferred from the bank account
- and so the records don't match between Bivio and the bank

I can't seem to edit the member withdrawal transaction to
adjust it.... can this be done?

If not (which I suspect)... how can the adjustment be made>

thanks for any help!

Mike Taylor wrote:
> I paid out a member on his withdrawal from our fabulous
> club...but made an error in the withdrawal amount in Bivio,
> but the correct amount was transferred from the bank account
> - and so the records don't match between Bivio and the bank
> account.
> I can't seem to edit the member withdrawal transaction to
> adjust it.... can this be done?
Our software does not currently support editing a withdrawal
transaction. Instead, you can can delete the withdrawal by selecting
the 'transactions' link next to the account on the
Accounting / Accounts page.
Then reenter the withdrawal by selecting the 'withdraw' link on the
Accounting / Members page. You can use the Fee field to adjust the
member value to match the amount given to the member.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.