Barr Labs/Teva merger
Our club owned 100 shares of Barr Labs (BRL). On 12/23/08
Teva Pharmaceuticals (TEVA) aquired Barr Labs. We received
62 shares of TEVA and $3990.00. There was also a $20.00 fee
associated with the transaction at ETrade. How do I enter
this transaction in bivio? Is it taxable?
Thanks has two
examples of calculating gain/loss and tax basis for this "reorganization". is an example (for
different stocks) of handling this sort of reorganization in the context of
club accounting software.

The details of entering this transaction for your specific situation depend
on the tax basis and purchase date of your BRL shares (and whether you
bought them all at once or in separate blocks). You will have some
combination of long-term capital gain, short-term capital gain and return of
capital transactions in addition to a merger transaction. The $20
reorganization fee can be entered as a separate return of capital
transaction (with the amount entered as *negative* $20).

In addition to what you listed below, you should have received cash in lieu
of 0.72 shares of TEVA. My preference is to account for that cash by
entering a separate sale of 0.72 shares, but others prefer to account for
the cash in lieu as part of the merger transaction.

-Jim Thomas

> Our club owned 100 shares of Barr Labs (BRL).
> On 12/23/08 Teva Pharmaceuticals (TEVA)
> aquired Barr Labs. We received 62 shares of
> TEVA and $3990.00. There was also a $20.00
> fee associated with the transaction at ETrade.
> How do I enter this transaction in bivio?
> Is it taxable?
> Thanks
Jim has shown a website refererence for this transaction. This url contains the clearest, most concise explanation of the taxable ramifications for this type of transaction that I have ever encountered. Usually, the companies, for reasons only known to them, 'hide' these explanations on page 134 of a 150 page SEC document. I would encourage anyone interested int the tax consequences of this type of merger [cash with stock] to check out Jim's reference, which was
For those interested, a write-up on this particular transaction will appear on the IClub website, probably by tomorrow.
Rip West
IClub Consultant