tax forms
I entered a social security number in error. How do I go
about editing this?
 We switched brokerage firms to Scottrade. I do not know
 how to make that change.
Dear Anne,

To modify any of your member records, go to
Administration>Roster and select "Modify" next
to the members name.

Then, regenerate the tax forms and you will see the update.

Laurie Frederiksen

Anne asked what she needs to do in bivio when she changes brokers.  This question comes up every now and then.

It is important to track transactions in bivio in the account they actually occur in.  When you change brokers you will want to use the Create button on the Accounting>Accounts page to add another broker to your accounts list.  After you do this, you will have 2 accounts listed on this page.

You will leave the transactions for your original broker where they are and begin tracking the transactions that happen in the new broker as they occur.

It is fine to setup AccountSync for this new broker and to also leave it active for your original broker.  When you create the account, you will be asked for your AccountSync login information.

 Laurie Frederiksen

To clarify, it's important in bivio to track *cash* in the account(s) where it really belongs.
If you change brokers, or have multiple brokers, bivio doesn't track which broker actually holds the securities.  When you change brokers, the good news is that nothing needs to be done in bivio to "move" securities from the old broker to the new broker.
However, if you hold the same security at multiple brokers (or at a broker and also in a DRP account), the bad news comes when you sell that security.  In this situation bivio will be unable to correctly determine on its own which shares of the security are being sold.  You'll need to use the Lots button on the security sale page to select the appropriate shares to be sold (based on purchase date).  Even if AccountSync enters the sale, you'll need to edit the sale transaction and use the Lots button to select the appropriate shares to be sold.
-Jim Thomas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:15 AM
Subject: club_cafe: Switching Brokers-bivio Changes Required

Anne asked what she needs to do in bivio when she changes brokers.  This question comes up every now and then.

It is important to track transactions in bivio in the account they actually occur in.  When you change brokers you will want to use the Create button on the Accounting>Accounts page to add another broker to your accounts list.  After you do this, you will have 2 accounts listed on this page.

You will leave the transactions for your original broker where they are and begin tracking the transactions that happen in the new broker as they occur.

It is fine to setup AccountSync for this new broker and to also leave it active for your original broker.  When you create the account, you will be asked for your AccountSync login information.

 Laurie Frederiksen

Jim makes a good point.   That’s one issue you can get into if you try to

manage multiple financial accounts for your club.  If you’d like to have a club and keep your

club accounting as simple as possible,  we’d recommend that

you only use one financial account for all your transactions. 

I think Anne was planning to change brokers,  not keep two of them.

      Laurie Frederiksen