How to Enter Litigation Settlements

Sometimes, because you own or have owned stock in a company,  you may become part of  a lawsuit against it.    When the case is settled,  you may receive a litigation settlement check.   You record this income using the Income button on the Accounting>Investments screen:

It will be recorded as one of two different types of income:

·         Case 1 -  You still own the stock

o   Record it as a Return of Capital

·         Case 2 – You no longer own the stock

o   Record it as a Long Term Capital Gain

If you are using AccountSync and you receive an Unidentified Credit transaction when the check is deposited in your brokerage account, you should delete the transaction and enter it manually as described above.     

If you disposed of the stock prior to switching over to bivio and  you used Edit Opening Balances to start up with bivio,  please email to help you make the entries you will need.