Reimbursement for annual bivio subscription
I followed the instructions for recording the proper entries for reimbursing members for the bivio subscription. I set up the account "Reimbursements" and entered $79 on 4/29/2015 and $179 on 4/24/2016 and then recorded the payments to the members who paid it. (Jill in 2015 ...
4 messages
Arkansas reporting
Does anyone know if there are special reporting requirements (other than issuing K-1s to the members) when: --the investment club is in a state other than Arkansas; and --two members are Arkansas residents? I've searched the Arkansas Dept. of Finance & Admin. website and didn't ...
4 messages
What's Hot and What's Not
Wonder what other bivio investment clubs are buying and selling? Here are the top Buy and Sell lists from April: Buys A By number of clubs: By total dollars: 1 AAPL SDS 2 GE IMPV 3 GNTX SYMC 4 UA SWKS 5 GILD AAPL 6 ...
13 messages
Question: Member Percentage Limit
Both Rip and Stu have stated arguments that I agree with. My club has a one-person-one-vote rule, no cap on percentage ownership, we have no penalty for not contributing (rarely happens), and all expenses are on a per-person basis rather than by percentage ownership. Bob ...
1 message
Question: Member Percentage Limit
Two issues - Unequal % could breed issues amongst people and it leaves the club open to drmatic decisions when a person with high percentage departs Once you have person(s) with high %, difficult to obtain consensus on actions I say limit to 12% of ...
4 messages
Bonding the Treasurer
One of our club members asked if it is wise to bond the Treasurer. She read an article promoting it. I'm looking for opinions and ideas for who/what companies to contact for prices and other requirements. If you don't bond the Treasurer, how do you ...
5 messages
Anyone have any experience with Fidelity and trying to change their clubs Treasurer name? Another member has taken up the Treasurer responsibility. I called Fidelity to see if there's a (simple) form to complete. Basically they wanted us to submit almost the identical paperwork as ...
17 messages
UA and bivio
Before the split our valuation statement reported we owned 436 shares of UA. After the split the valuation statement says we own 872 of UA and 872 of UAC. I understand the different non-voting shares but I think the amount needs to be corrected. Thanks!
2 messages
ITC purchase by Fortis, Tax Consequences of Mergers
If your investment club owns ITC Holdings (ITC), A you should be aware that there is a pending purchase of that company by a Canadian company called Fortis Inc. What will that mean to you? To find out, A we look at a section called ...
1 message
What is the Ticker for UA Class C?
We've had several clubs ask us what the "correct" symbol is for the new Class C Under Armour shares. The answer is that it depends where you are looking. In bivio, A our pricing source uses UAC so that is what you should use in ...
1 message
writing checks - # of signatures needed
Our club is switching banks and the new one can only have one signature on checks vs. the two signatures we currently have. Just wondering how most of your clubs handle this. Thanks in advance. Carolyn
14 messages
Think you're seeing something others aren't? Morgan Housel offers some contrary thinking about that subject that is interesting to consider: When Everyone Wants to Be Different "Real contrarianism doesn't happen when you buy a stock that fell 10%. It happens when your clients threaten to ...
1 message
Our club is breaking up
our club is breaking up. our Bivio subscription ends on Feb 15 2016. do you think it is necessary for us to pay another year subscription from 2016 to 2017 to accommodate the tax preparation for next year. We will be closing all our accounts ...
8 messages
writing checks - # of signatures needed
During our meeting the treasurer will write the check and the president will sign it. Hopefully this will prevent any funny business since two people are involved while members watch. Only have one account which is with the broker. Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote: A good ...
1 message
IRS Audit
One of our members (actually two, a husband and wife) have received a letter from the IRS indicating that they have been selected at random for a compliance research examination. Among the documents requested are printed copies of their K-1's (no problem) along with "calculations ...
4 messages