I went to Accounting then Taxes and it said below you will find 6 steps and there was nothing. If I changed the date to 2015 the 6 steps appeared. Has anyone else had this trouble or I am missing something.
7 messages
Fiduciariaries versus Suitability
All, Ron Lieber, NY Times columnist has a great column, Your Money. The column today entitled "23 questions you are going to need to ask about investment fees" is a quick read. (NY Times, although paid site, gives you 8 or 10 articles a month ...
2 messages
Transferring a stock with a gain
To payout a withdrawing partner we plan to transfer a stock in which the club has a substantial gain. I understand that by doing this the club avoids having to pay a Capital Gains tax on the gain. Can the Club then turn around and ...
11 messages
LP vs. MLP
I know we are warned about the problems with clubs purchasing shares in master limited partnerships. Do the same cautions apply to limited partnerships? (Is there a difference between a LP and a MLP?) A club member is suggesting purchasing TLLP, but I have concerns.
5 messages
Threat to Dodd - Frank Act Specifically broker fiduciary duty
This seems like a big concern to individual investors if the current administration wants to remove this from the Dodd-Frank Act. (The DFA gives SEC the authority to impose a fiduciary duty on brokers who give investment advice -- the advice must be in the ...
10 messages
An investment club partner gave me a great tip for creating PDFs on a PC: download free software at . When it installs on your PC it creates a new 'printer' option. When that option is used, you will get a dialog box to ...
2 messages
3Free VLs were available on a Better Investing website but I am not able to find them now. Any ideas how to get back to that resourse? Jane Ringler, AK
22 messages
Patricia, what is the PLAC card? Kim Potter Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: "Patricia Michalski via" <user*> Date: 2/6/17 6:34 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: VL Is there any resource in Michigan ...
1 message
Investment club un Mikwaukee, WI.
Hi, I'm new to Bivio and wish to join an investment club in Mikwaukee, WI does one exist? Thanks! "A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do ...
1 message
Threat to Dodd - Frank Act Specifically broker fiduciary duty
I appreciate your offering this information. However, I'd appreciate it if you would explain further the last three sentences of your note. Why not screen investors for various financial products in the same way as the brokerages not screen them for options trading? If you ...
1 message
Tater Tot Taco Pizza
Junk food heaven day (AKA the Superbowl) is coming up and there are sure a lot of recipes floating around. I saw this one this morning: Tater Tot Taco Pizza It got me to thinking.A Maybe investment clubs should take advantage of the dip, nachos, ...
3 messages
Tax Webinar Tuesday Feb. 7
It's getting very close to time to prepare your 2016 investment club taxes. A Join us for a webinar on Tuesday February 7 at 8:30 PM Eastern time and we'll show you how. Everyone is welcome but space is limited. Register Now! Laurie Frederiksen Invest ...
2 messages
Stock Report Question
Matt, Belonging to Better Investing also provides you wit a wealth of educational materials - such as how to do the SSG!! Kim Potter BI Brighton (MI) Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Matt Gillard <> Date: ...
2 messages
Stock Report Question
Investors, First time on the forum. I think our stock report segment takes to long during our monthly meetings. My thought was to go over a 1/3 of our stocks at each meeting so we report on them quarterly and of course if there is ...
6 messages
2 Tax Questions
It sounds like you are okay with how you're doing it. But, you can mail the return certified or registered mail. I always get a return receipt as well. Kim Potter Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: ...
1 message