Tax form question
We have two members who are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Does this matter on the tax question about member relationships?
2 messages
My broker did not generate a 1099 for our!
Our broker is telling us that we don't need to file because our total gains for the year was less than $10 (we are a new club).A Is this true?A Has anyone else experienced this?
5 messages
State Tax Filing
The 5 state tax programs available from bivio are CO, CA, NY, NJ and PA For other states, we offer this option to get your state taxes prepared: State Tax Preparation If you want to see what your state tax filing requirements are, this table ...
1 message
Privileges to Prepare Taxes
If you login and go to Accounting>Taxes and you don't see the tax program, A it is because you do not have correct privileges in your club to do that.A You need Treasurer or Administrator privileges. This is how one of your current officers needs ...
1 message
Laurie's online book club
Laurie, how is your book club with the Pat Dorsey "Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing" going? One of my club members is now reading this with me and if you have more quizlets that you plan to post we will certainly use them! If ...
2 messages
how to account for "cash in lieu of" for DNOW spinoff
Hi, Last year NOV performed a spinoff of DNOW on 6/2. We also received cash in lieu of half a share in the amount of $16.51. According to the 1099 from TD Ameritrade, the cost basis was $15.81. I noticed that this transaction was not ...
6 messages
Am I correct that the Bivio 2015 tax process is now available? (and all I need are our 2015 1099s) Jay
1 message
We're a partnership and all current members are CA residents. We have a prospective new member who will be moving from Virginia to CA sometime during 2015. Can anyone tell me if the State of Virginia tax dept. will require us to send them the ...
5 messages
account sync
We received two dividends in December in Folio that haven't synced as of today with bivio as of today. Should I enter them manually so we can balance December? Thanks for your help.
15 messages
(No Subject)
In the past years, we have had some new members. They did not sign up for access to Bivio; therefore, they can't print their own K-1s. Is there a way for them to do that now? And, if so, can you tell me the steps ...
3 messages
Tax Webinar On Tuesday
Just a reminder that we will be doing a webinar that shows you how to prepare your investment club taxes on February 9, 2016 at 8:30 PM Eastern Time.A It's free and all are invited but space is limited. A Register Now Laurie Frederiksen Invest ...
1 message
When To Sell?
For many investment clubs this is an ongoing question.A For those who like to learn more about making sales decisions, A Stock Rover is holding a webinar this afternoon at 1PM Eastern Time that you might be interested in: When To Sell A Stock If ...
1 message
Worried About the Drop in the Stock Market?
Leave it to Morgan Housel to put it in perspective: Why We're Terrified of Typical I liked this line: A " As the saying goes, more money has been lost preparing for bear markets than in actual bear markets" Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! ...
1 message
Mutual Fund Advice Needed
What is the best place to research Mutual Funds? Any suggestions for an excellent Mutual Fund
2 messages
New AccountSync Brokerages
Hi Everyone, We get a variety of requests to add AccountSync import capabilities for additional brokers. Let's start a discussion on the brokers you'd like to see us add. Your input is very valuable in helping us prioritize our development efforts. Laurie Frederiksen bivio Inc.
11 messages