DBA filing with county
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DBA filing with county I discovered that our DBA filing had expired and looked into the process of bringing the filing up to date with the county as in Michigan the county is the location of such filings. The county clerk informed me that all signatures needed to be notarized and that there was only one place for a notary to sign so all had to be present at the same time. They sent me the form and after reading it it I noted that it only requires one club member to certify the names are correct and that only that one signature needed to be notarized. When I called back the clerk said well if you want to be responsible I guess you can do it that way. I then asked what if someone joins or leaves the partnership during the next five years and was told we expect it to be kept up to date. What is the experience of others? This seems like a bureaucratic nightmare which must be repeated every five years. Is there anyone from Michigan that can shed some light on this process? Bob |