HelpRegister Fee Changes
I was curious on the "Cafe's" response to recent changes to their fee structures. Seems like a good deal for investment clubs (assuming a minimum of two trades per month). But from an individual investor perspective, I am shutting down my accounts as $84.00 ...
5 messages
Selling and Buying the same stock
What is the waiting period that we must wait after selling a stock to get back in to it. For example, we purchased stock ABC @ 10.00. It has risen to 15.00 and starts to slide back to 14.00 At this point we decided to ...
2 messages
Trouble organizing books!
Hi! Just started a club a couple months ago. Each meeting, I collect money from the members, write down the amount, name of the member, and the day into a PLAIN LINED NOTEBOOK. With some members not paying on time, or others needing to withdrawal ...
2 messages
BUYandHOLD news
Word is that BUYandHOLD has gotten an additional $10 million in funding. That should keep them going for a while. Will
1 message
Investment club article.
Greetings. I write for a new financial publication called Grant's Investor ( I'm putting together a story about New York City-area investment clubs and would like to hear from members who have compelling stories to tell about how their club investments have been doing over ...
1 message
Bivio Investment Club Rankings?
I know there are thousands of investment clubs that use Bivio, is there any function within Bivio that will rank all the clubs in Bivio, so you can see how your club's performance stacks up against the others? Just curious
4 messages
Bivio updates
How do I get my name on the list for bivio updates to be emailed. Guess I did not check that box when I registered?
2 messages
Older Club
How can an older club that has been around for about three years, we do not use NAIC accounting software, get their figures into bivio club site. Can we enter year end figures form last year and then update every month this year and take ...
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Protect myself from theft?
Hi, I have a question I'd like to put out there . . . As a stock holder and Investment Club "president", do I need to protect myself from a broker stealing my (our) stock? Meaning, if (for some reason) my broker or my online ...
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Forming a Partnership
Good Afternoon everyone I understand that we need to either form a corporation or a partnership and recieve an employer identification number from the IRS. I was wondering if you had any advice as to whether we should take the form of an LLC or ...
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Many of our have signed up for AccountSync. Many more have inquired about it. I suspect yet others would like to know more about this revolutionary service. AccountSync unifies your club's accounting with your brokerage account(s). All your transactions are automatically entered into your bivio ...
1 message
Starting an Investment Club
Hello, I am currently in the process of starting an investment club, so I could use some ideas and information. Being a recent college grad I would like to start a club of other young business professionals. What is a good amount of Partners to ...
6 messages
valuation of club units
our club has been talking about the value of each unit owned we are a club that has now operated for 1 yr I have started using the Bivio accounting and find it fantastic !!!! could you tell me (other than the ease of calculating ...
5 messages
bivio board of directors
At a recent NAIC chapter meeting a club member was told there has been a change in the management at bivio. Can you shed some light on this situation? We are happily new bivio members and are curious/concerned about this new information. Thanks, Dee
3 messages
Los Angeles Investment Club
Does anyone live in L.A. who would like to start an investment club with me? - HIGH returns Nancy
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