Older Club
How can an older club that has been around for about three
years, we do not use NAIC accounting software, get their
figures into bivio club site. Can we enter year end figures
form last year and then update every month this year and
take advantage of the bivio software? Any help with this
problem appreciated. Hate to have to go back and put in 36
entries for all members, and then have to put some members
in and then take them out because they have dropped out.
Would be easier to take year end valuation numbers and just
plug them in with the portfolio we now have. Thanks for any
Helene Okerstrom wrote:

> How can an older club that has been around for about three
> years, we do not use NAIC accounting software, get their
> figures into bivio club site. Can we enter year end figures
> form last year and then update every month this year and
> take advantage of the bivio software?


You can use bivio's Opening Balances feature to enter your
club's data as of 1/1/2001 (or 1/1 of any earlier year).
You will
still need to compile some information from the previous
years - in particular, stock transaction dates and member

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