Bivio Investment Club Rankings?
I know there are thousands of investment clubs that use
Bivio, is there any function within Bivio that will rank all
the clubs in Bivio, so you can see how your club's
performance stacks up against the others? Just curious...

Unfortunately, we haven't built a ranking system for clubs.
It's a tough probem as you can imagine, because you have to
develop the right metric. There is also the question of
what clubs do you allow to be ranked. If someone creates a
club for their own personal portfolio, should they be part
of the club rankings? There are other factors like should
we rank only the club investments or include cash?

We do like the idea. We'll bounce it around internally and
see if we can come up with an approach that is sound. It
certainly would be fun.

Thanks for the suggestion,
It would be great to have an assessment of a portfolio that showed how well the portfolio tracks agains the NAIC approach to investing. Such as selection of growth stocks and achievement of 15% return. This would be rating relative to a (proven or established) benchmark rather than than ranking clubs. Also, the number of people in a club would not matter. Of course only those trying to follow the NAIC approach would be interested in the assessment.
Just an idea. Rick
Robert Nagler wrote:
> Ryan,
> Unfortunately, we haven't built a ranking system for clubs.
> It's a tough probem as you can imagine, because you have to
> develop the right metric. There is also the question of
> what clubs do you allow to be ranked. If someone creates a
> club for their own personal portfolio, should they be part
> of the club rankings? There are other factors like should
> we rank only the club investments or include cash?
> We do like the idea. We'll bounce it around internally and
> see if we can come up with an approach that is sound. It
> certainly would be fun.
> Thanks for the suggestion,
> Rob
The 15% return comparison is easy. You can use the "member performance report" to get your club's ARR (Annualized internal Rate of Return). You should compute the ARR over the life of your club. This is the number you'd compare to the 15% long-term target.
bivio doesn't yet have a report that compares your return with the big indices (S&P 500, Wilshire 5000).
Rick Walters wrote:
> It would be great to have an assessment of a portfolio that showed
> how well the portfolio tracks agains the NAIC approach to investing.