Many of our have signed up for AccountSync. Many more have
inquired about it. I suspect yet others would like to know
more about this revolutionary service.

AccountSync unifies your club's accounting with your
brokerage account(s). All your transactions are
automatically entered into your bivio accounting.

Many of you hold Lucent (LU) and now Avaya (AV) after the
spinoff. Or perhaps you owned 3Com (COMS) when it spunoff
Palm Computing (PALM). Remember how hard it was to figure
out the numbers you needed to enter for the basis and
fractional shares? AccountSync eliminates the hours of
research and frustration. Spinoffs, mergers, splits,
purchases, sales and so on are entered automatically and
always correctly.

How many times have you forgotten that one interest income
transaction in your accounting so that your account balance
was thrown off by a few dollars? You want your accounting
correct to the penny, so you spend an hour or more going
over the transactions and statements for the last six months
to find the missing entry. You find it, of course, but at
what cost? AccountSync ensures your account balances are
correct to the penny. No more hair pulling!

AccountSync is a wonderful service for clubs, because it
eliminates any hassles for club treasurers. Being the
treasurer can be a thankless job. Give your treasurer a
thank you present, sign up for AccountSync today.
