club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
Good information to know. Thank you Sharon >From: Rob Nagler >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" >To: "The Club Cafe" >Subject: Re: club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and >Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2004 15:55:56 -0700 > > writes: > > Our monthly statements are sent to ...
1 message
club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
My club recently departed because we were sick of the very poor customer service. Most notably, anytime we requested a check, there was always problems -- the most recent request took 3 MONTHS to finally arrive. So we've switched to BrownCo. THey were extremely ...
2 messages
Expense Reimbursement
I'm not sure how to handle the following: I paid for Investment Advice utilized by the club I belong in June 30 with the club to reimburse me. I posted the expense on bivio so that the club's valuation was properly reflected. However, I did ...
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club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
Our monthly statements are sent to a general yahoo email address to which everyone has the password. Whoever is the treasurer can simply download them and reconcile with bivio. We write checks out of a bank account, on which three members are signers. Since withdrawals ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
Thanks for the information. These are good suggestions Sharon >From: >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" >To: "The Club Cafe" >Subject: Re: club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and >Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2004 16:55:41 +0000 > >Our monthly statements are sent to a general yahoo ...
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club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
Thanks for the suggestion, it is helpful. We want to change officers every two years so that all members have a chance to do all the various jobs in the club. Good food for thought. Sharon >From: "Rip West" >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" >To: "The ...
1 message
club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
Doesn't one officer have to receive and reconcile the monthly statements? If you do not write checks how do you pay a withdrawing member or pay for purchases that are made by the club? Since my name is on record with Waterhouse I receive all ...
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Generating Reports
Can I generate a regular report that calculates amount and percentage gained or lost from each stock and then the total amount gained or lost???? It seems like the reports on this site are terrible, they don't give a percentage for 1/2 of our stocks, ...
5 messages
Changing treasurers on Buy and
Our club is having a very hard time changing treasurers on Buy And Hold. Has anyone else experienced this pain? It has taken us over 2 months now to change, and we are still trying to work it out with all of the paperwork that ...
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club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and
We are having a very hard time with Waterhouse. We have been trying for 9 months and I just can't seem to get it right. Each time I think I have followed the instructions to the "T" they send it back and I have failed ...
3 messages
State Tax
Is there a plan to provide for state tax preperation? Ray Marchand
2 messages
club_cafe: NJ Partnership Fee
In a message dated 12/24/03 5:56:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: With respet to Ira's reply, below, I wonder if a partnership can exist outside a state's jurisdiction. For example, an on-line club can it create its partnership in Guam or Puerto Rico? Sure. ...
2 messages
club_cafe: NJ Partnership Fee
Ray, First, it would help if you had your facts correct. The NJ Partnership Filing Fee was established in 2002, so this is not a new problem. The fee is $150 per partner (not $150 total) and applies to all partnerships with more than 2 ...
2 messages
NJ Partnership Fee
A $150 fee is being imposed on clubs with a valuation over $30,000 causing many clubs to close. Question; 1 - Any solutions to this problem Ray Marchand
1 message
Tax treatment of dividends.
There is discussion on the NAIC ICL about NCA allowing the entry of ex-dividend dates for dividend payments so the software can determine whether the dividend is eligible for a lower tax rate based on the holding period of the stock relative to the ex-dividend ...
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