Expense Reimbursement
I'm not sure how to handle the following:

I paid for Investment Advice utilized by the club I belong
in June 30 with the club to reimburse me. I posted the
expense on bivio so that the club's valuation was properly

However, I did not receive the reimbursement check from the
club until it was too late to cash the check for 2003 fiscal
year. If I enter the transaction for the date the check was
posted to our brokerage account (Jan 2, 2004) it will not be
accounted for in the club's expenses for 2003. Is there any
way to correctly account for this?


Nicholas Picini writes:
> I paid for Investment Advice utilized by the club I belong
> in June 30 with the club to reimburse me. I posted the
> expense on bivio so that the club's valuation was properly
> reflected.

We call this an Out of Pocket Expense, and there's a help page which
explains how to handle this:

> However, I did not receive the reimbursement check from the
> club until it was too late to cash the check for 2003 fiscal
> year. If I enter the transaction for the date the check was
> posted to our brokerage account (Jan 2, 2004) it will not be
> accounted for in the club's expenses for 2003. Is there any
> way to correctly account for this?

When you write a check, you can enter it in the accounting with the
date you wrote it. If you want your books to balance, you can use
a Suspense Account:
