club_cafe: New Website!!!
Cool. Love the way you did the pictures! Sharon >From: Michael Hall >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" >To: >Subject: club_cafe: New Website!!! >Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 21:10:00 GMT > >Check out my website and let me know what you think. I'm >not done yet ...
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New Website!!!
Check out my website and let me know what you think. I'm not done yet but close Thanks, Mike
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club_cafe: Selling Stock
Unless you notify your broker in advance and receive written confirmation of your request, you sell the oldest lots first. See IRS Pub. 551, Investment Income and Expenses (Including Capital Gains and Losses) . Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 11/22/03 8:38:57 PM Eastern ...
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Selling Stock
When selling a stock, how do you know which lot to use?? We have multiple purchases of the same stock and when I go to sell it I am not sure which lot I have sold. Thanks, Jay
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club_cafe: Re: TAX PREPARATION
To add to Paul Moeller's response below, you can expect to receive a second round of 1099-DIVs in March to allocate qualifying and nonqualifying dividends for those situations that may not be determinable as of 12/31/03 (such as late December dividends on stocks purchased in ...
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We are just finishing up our first year as a partnership and I'd like to know if there is anything that I can do as the Financial Partner to prepare for our 2003 taxes. This is a two part question: 1) is there anything I ...
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club_cafe: Deceased Member
hi there how can I join your club ,or is it not open for new members thank you sorry for the member you lost in the mean time John >From: Gabriel Catania <> >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" <> >To: >Subject: club_cafe: Deceased Member >Date: ...
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club_cafe: Deceased Member
>>Our club has lost one of it's members and this is the first time we have conme across this situation. I'm assuming his wife becomes the beneficiary but how do we handle end of year taxes? Do we transfer everything under her name if she ...
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club_cafe: Deceased Member
>From: "John Jero" <> >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" <> >To: >Subject: Re: club_cafe: Deceased Member >Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 18:40:15 -0800 > >hi there how can I join your club ,or is it not open for new members >thank you >sorry for the ...
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Deceased Member
Our club has lost one of it's members and this is the first time we have conme across this situation. I'm assuming his wife becomes the beneficiary but how do we handle end of year taxes? Do we transfer everything under her name if she ...
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Taxes YTD
Our club is trying to decide if we should sell some stocks before the end of the year. Is there a way to generate a report of all stocks sold during the calendar (tax) year with their gains and losses so we can easily figure ...
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minor partnership members
Do any clubs operating as general partnerships allow minor members? If so, how are they handled? One of our members wishes to establish an account in his grand-daughter's name in our club.
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club_cafe: Asset purchases
I would book the cash as a misc expense. I do not expect you are looking at any cap ex. transaction or any type of depreciation expense on this? So treat it the same as a check charge or a software fee. Juan Original Message ...
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Asset purchases
Our club recently purchased a used laptop computer. How would you suggest entering such a purchase into bivio. Greg Loewen Stock Trek Investment Club
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Hello Cafe , I need some opinios on the above subject. We started our club in 1999 we have 11 members various ages. We have 2 of our founding members ladies in there seventies who request to be inacctive members. They both feel the work ...
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