club_cafe: Changing treasurers on Buy and

Doesn't one officer have to receive and reconcile the monthly statements?   If you do not write checks how do you pay a withdrawing member or pay for purchases that are made by the club?  Since my name is on record with Waterhouse I receive all the correspondance, turn it over to the new treasurer then let them do it.   I was under the impression that only one person could have checkwriting privledges so I am writing checks when there is a need.  I just want to get the correspondance going directly to the person who is designated to deal with the financials rather than have it come to me and then have to pass on the information for someone else to handle.    I am president of the club now and want to break away from having to deal, additionally, with treasure type functions.  It would be much easier if the person responsible could just get the correspondance directly.   Maybe there is an easier way to do this and I am certainly open to suggetions.   Maybe I need to call Waterhouse again to see about check writing privledges and other options but the thought of having to deal with this again makes me cringe.

>From: >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe"

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You're correct, Waterhouse does allow only one member to write checks. In our last club, we turned that over to the Assistant Treasurer. That was all he did - write checks. The treasurer then reconciled the statements, etc from data that he could get on line. This gave us good internal control, since one person wrote checks, and another person reconciled the account. Also, a person other than the reconciler received the printed statements.
It's not perfect, but it worked for us. The main thing, here, is that other people can be involved in getting the confirmations, statements, etc on line.