Bivio Site Hanging
This evening, after 11:00 PM (CST), it was impossible to
enter transactions because the page would just hang and
clock... "waiting for". I was attempting to enter
a couple of sales and was unable to do so. This is the
second time that I've experienced this issue in as many
times and it is NOT related to my ISP because I can access
other sites without an issue.

Are you taking backups or performing some heavy maintenance
that is pulling down performance at this time of the night?
Steven Cook writes:
> Are you taking backups or performing some heavy maintenance
> that is pulling down performance at this time of the night?

Nothing should be going on that locks up your portfolio for anything
but a few seconds -- when your books are audited after the new prices
come in. We'll investigate the situation and get back to you. People
use the system around the clock, and we haven't heard of any
complaints other than this one.

Happy New Year!
