member credited with $25 in error
Member paid $25 for Better Investing Magazine. Treasurer
entered money under "Suspense" in December 2007. Treasurer
sent check to Better Investing Jan 2008 and entered it as an
expense from the Bank Account. Problem is Member is now
credited with $25 more than our other members in the "Total
Paid" column of the "Member Status Report". I think her
units of ownership are also affected. How can I correct this
Delete the entry in Suspense cre'diting the member with $25. Make a transfer as of that date for $25 from Suspense to your regular bank account. In the remarks, say to record receipt of $25 from Member so and so for BI mag. Then edit or delete and reenter the the expense entry. Instead, you should have a transfer from your Cash account to Suspense. In the remarks, enter 'to record payment to BI for soand so's mag. Now everything should balance. Tell the member that he/she should deduct $25 on the 1040 for investment expenses.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN