Twitter Name Contest
Hi everyone, Are you interested in achieving immortality? (Or at least temporary notoriety) I love to read through lists of club names. Some of you are very creative. I thought it might be fun to run a little contest to see if we can harness ...
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Personal Investing, The Missing Manual
Good morning everyone, Bonnie Biafore, bivio friend and well known personal finance writer has just written a new book, "Personal Investing, The Missing Manual" that you might be interested in. I read it recently and would highly recommend it. Bonnie has an engaging, fun writing ...
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Club TIN and someone's SSN conflict?
Has any other club been told that their TIN is also someone's SSN? Here is the background behind the question. We have a TIN that we received in 2004 when the club started. It was used to open the first brokerage account and a bank ...
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Getting Started with bivio
Just a reminder that this evening we will be doing a webinar at 8PM EDT about getting started using bivio. If you are new or fairly new to using our services, we will be covering the basics of getting your club set up and tracking ...
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Adding members whom are minors
I am wanting to add two new members (brothers) who are minors. Can someone explain to me how I will go about setting this up? Will there be anything special that I will need to do to accomplish this? Accounting issues, brokerage issues, tax issues? ...
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merging clubs
Any thoughts or advice on merging 2 small investment clubs? We're losing members, but don't want to disband.
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Disbanding Club
We are in California. There is no way to file a partial return. Can I just wait and file the normal year end tax return to the IRS and to California? I am requesting checks be cut to payoff each individual member as of 6/15/2010. ...
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The Mankato Teachers Investment Club
One of the best things about my job is the people I get to interact with. Participating in an investment club attracts people who have a do it yourself belief that they can learn something new and be successful at it. They are the kind ...
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Challenge Club Meeting-June 19-11AM EDT
Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that the June ManifestInvesting Challenge club meeting will be held online on Saturday, June 19 at 11AM EDT. Saturday is almost the longest day of the year so you'll have lots of time to attend and still have a full ...
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Price-to-Fair Value
A few of you wrote to request an explanation of how the price-to-fair value ratio (P/FV) was used in the screening results from the St. Louis convention. First and foremost, it was something of a tribute to the participation of Morningstar and Standard & Poor's ...
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grading your portfolio
I have discovered a new website which I find very interesting. I established my personal account, typed in our club's portfolio holdings, and "graded" the portfolio. Voila ! One more piece of evidence as to why we should sell XX and buy more YYY. ...
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Addressing Market Risk by Learning about Trading Options
The stock market is behaving in a way that makes many of us uncomfortable. To add to that, the overwhelming prevalence of attention grabbing headlines leaves many of us either ready to just stop trying or paralyzed into inactivity. When things appear scary, positive action ...
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Attending Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
If a club owns a "B" share of Berkshire, may the entire group of partners (club members) attend the annual meeting in Omaha? Can anybody confirm this from experience? Mark Robertson
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Broker requirements for withdrawl
With all of the talk recently about withdrawls, I checked with our broker, TD Ameritrade, to see what we need to do to transfer stock to a withdrawing partner. They require all partners to sign the form. We are an online club with partners across ...
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Dashboard Diagnostics Tonight-8PM EDT
During Dashboard Diagnostics tonight, Mark Robertson will be reviewing Dashboards created from stock suggestions given during the last three BetterInvesting National Conventions. How did those selections do and what can we learn from revisiting the judgments that were made to choose them? Dashboard Diagnostics is ...
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