Couples & the Penny Pmt System
Our club's monthly payment is $25, and we have two couples
in our club. Currently, each couple pays $50 monthly to
cover the two spouses. How do we handle this in setting up
the Penny Payment System? For couple A, I considered
assigning one spouse 1 cent, the other 2 cents so the first
couple's amount would be $50.03. Couple B would pay $50.09:
one spouse 4 cents, the other 5 cents.
I wonder, however, if I'm missing something, and if bivio
will have problems breaking out this type of double payment
each month. If so, should we give up on couple payments,
each spouse making an individual payments each month?
Has anyone had experience with this?

Andy Hinds
Greyrock IC

My club is exactly like yours--our monthly dues are $25, we are three couples, and each couple makes payments of $50 each month.

The way I have them do it, is couple A deposits $50.02, when I see $50.02, I manually assign each half of couple  A $25.01 each. Couple B deposits $50.04, and I manually assign each half of couple B $25.02 each....

I really don't ever see a reason to divide them up individually as you are doing, the point of the penny system is simply so I know who has paid what, since my couples always pay as a unit, this assurance is built into the system.


Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

On May 18, 2010, at 12:44 PM, Andrew W. Hinds wrote:

Our club's monthly payment is $25, and we have two couples
in our club.  Currently, each couple pays $50 monthly to
cover the two spouses. How do we handle this in setting up
the Penny Payment System? For couple A, I considered
assigning one spouse 1 cent, the other 2 cents so the first
couple's amount would be $50.03. Couple B would pay $50.09:
one spouse 4 cents, the other 5 cents.
I wonder, however, if I'm missing something, and if bivio
will have problems breaking out this type of double payment
each month.  If so, should we give up on couple payments,
each spouse making an individual payments each month?
Has anyone had experience with this?

Andy Hinds
Greyrock IC

This is an interesting subject.  In one of my clubs, there are two couples as members also.   I just assigned each person a different penny amount and they make two different payments.    They haven’t told me that this costs them extra.  I hope it doesn’t.

If your couples are making a payment for two people using one check,  you will need to make manual adjustments like you’ve described to record their payments.  You might not even worry about dividing up the cents amount between them.  Its purpose is to identify whose check it is.  You probably want to be able to use it to have the amount automatically assigned to at least one of the partners.   Since you have to make the adjustment manually anyway,  you could just leave the cents with the original person and enter a whole amount for the other.  For example,  if you assign $.04 to one of the couple,  it will be automatically filled in next to their name on the multiple payments form.  You will just need to adjust that entry and move the second persons portion to assign it to them.  It just depends on what works best for you.  Either of the options you’ve described will also work.

   Laurie Frederiksen

We are about to have our first couple in our club, but we
plan to treat each person as a separate entity, so each will
have a different penny assignment. Good Luck!

Andrew W. Hinds wrote:
> Our club's monthly payment is $25, and we have two couples
> in our club. Currently, each couple pays $50 monthly to
> cover the two spouses. How do we handle this in setting up
> the Penny Payment System? For couple A, I considered
> assigning one spouse 1 cent, the other 2 cents so the first
> couple's amount would be $50.03. Couple B would pay $50.09:
> one spouse 4 cents, the other 5 cents.
> I wonder, however, if I'm missing something, and if bivio
> will have problems breaking out this type of double payment
> each month. If so, should we give up on couple payments,
> each spouse making an individual payments each month?
> Has anyone had experience with this?
> Andy Hinds
> Greyrock IC