Announcing the New bivio Club Meeting Meeting
Are you the organizer or officer of an investment club? Have you ever
felt burdened by trying to decide what should be on the agenda for
your monthly meeting? Let us provide you with some ideas. We're
pleased to announce the start of a monthly bivio Club Meeting Meeting.
 This will be an online session where we'll give you ideas you can use
each month for your own club meeting. We'll talk through a possible
club meeting agenda including a brief overview of the monthly
reporting and portfolio review process. We'll also provide an monthly
educational topic. You can take our suggested agenda and educational
presentation back to your own club and use it exactly as provided or
you can just use whatever parts of it you find useful.

In addition to the presentation, you'll have the opportunity to ask us
and the other clubs present for input on questions you have about your
own club operations.

bivio Club Meeting Meetings will be held the first Thursday of each
month at 8:30 EDT. They will be online and free to bivio club
members. Is that a bad time for you? We'll record the meetings and
post the recordings where you can watch them at your convenience.

Register now to join us on Thursday September 2 at

Don't forget, bivio is committed to making sure your club operations
are as simple as possible so you can spend your time having fun with
your friends and discussing your investments!

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!
Laurie set up the Quest for Positive Returns for my club but the last Time Period displaying is 6/1/2009-6/1/2010.  Is there something I need to do to have it display the 7/1/2009-7/1/2010, etc ?  Thanks in advance.

Barbara Amick
Treasurer, Aardvark Investment Club

Hi Barbara,

You're all set. I've updated your data through August.

And I'm working on updating everyone else.


Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!
You said you'd make this 9/2 meeting available for those who
missed it. I can't find it anywhere.


Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Are you the organizer or officer of an investment club? Have you ever
> felt burdened by trying to decide what should be on the agenda for
> your monthly meeting? Let us provide you with some ideas. We're
> pleased to announce the start of a monthly bivio Club Meeting Meeting.
> This will be an online session where we'll give you ideas you can use
> each month for your own club meeting. We'll talk through a possible
> club meeting agenda including a brief overview of the monthly
> reporting and portfolio review process. We'll also provide an monthly
> educational topic. You can take our suggested agenda and educational
> presentation back to your own club and use it exactly as provided or
> you can just use whatever parts of it you find useful.
> In addition to the presentation, you'll have the opportunity to ask us
> and the other clubs present for input on questions you have about your
> own club operations.
> bivio Club Meeting Meetings will be held the first Thursday of each
> month at 8:30 EDT. They will be online and free to bivio club
> members. Is that a bad time for you? We'll record the meetings and
> post the recordings where you can watch them at your convenience.
> Register now to join us on Thursday September 2 at
> Don't forget, bivio is committed to making sure your club operations
> are as simple as possible so you can spend your time having fun with
> your friends and discussing your investments!
> --
> Laurie Frederiksen
> Invest with your friends!
> Follow us on twitter!
Hi Diane,

Everything is available on the new Club Meeting Meeting web page. You
can find it at

I did send a note out about it on Saturday. Since it was the holiday
weekend, perhaps it got mixed in with other things going on.

Sorry about that. Let us know if you have any questions or comments
about the material.

Have a great day!
Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!