What are Your Questions?
Good Morning Everyone,

I am working on more material for the bivio Library page and for webinars in the coming months.

I have quite a few ideas for topics but your input would be very valuable to help prioritize things.

If you have a few minutes for some feedback can you let me know things like:

What questions do you have about being a club treasurer that you would like to have more information on?

Are there any operating issues your club has that you'd be interested in more information on?

Why types of topics would you like to see webinars about?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!

Dear Laurie:
Thanks for the continuing great support!
Our club has a pretty good handle on buying and selling stocks, taxes, withdrawals, etc, and Bivio and your marvelous Staff get a lot of the credit.
That said, one persistently difficult area is the ongoing measurement of the Total Portfolio Performance (TPP?). I realize that ManifestInvesting (MI) is useful in that regard ( I have not been successful in generating much Club interest in MI), and your recent "Quest for Positive Relative Returns (QPRR)" is spot-on ( same fate as MI, for the moment), but still my beloved Club struggles with this important area of total and cumulative portfolio performance ( as do I and most of the investing world).
Recently someone on Club Cafe made a mention of Louis Navellier's "Portfolio Grader" and I have found that a quite interesting device for both my personal and club portfolio's. I do not have any real understanding of how Navellier creates his "grades", but for the moment I am taking them on faith at face value. One important advantage of this device, like most of the Bivio tools and forums, is that any club member can access it for free at any time ( By contrast the full depth of MI is only available to a paid member). Used in conjunction with MI and QPRR and some other devices that our broker, Fidelity has to offer, I hope to craft a complete "kit" that captures stock quality as well as total portfolio return. - The Golden Grail - and I am naive enough after forty years at investing to KNOW that we can get there!! There is no fool like an older fool!!
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
Leo Cardillo
Treasurer, 711 Investment Club

From: [] On Behalf Of Laurie Frederiksen
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 11:02 AM
To: The Club Cafe
Subject: club_cafe: What are Your Questions?

Good Morning Everyone,

I am working on more material for the bivio Library page and for webinars in the coming months.

I have quite a few ideas for topics but your input would be very valuable to help prioritize things.

If you have a few minutes for some feedback can you let me know things like:

What questions do you have about being a club treasurer that you would like to have more information on?

Are there any operating issues your club has that you'd be interested in more information on?

Why types of topics would you like to see webinars about?

Thanks in advance for any input.��

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!�

Laurie: I'm interested in knowing what classes I need to take to be effective and what "groups" I should belong to to keep update; all this without being inundated with stuff! Maybe be a checklist of items would be good to include: what to know and where to find the info. Mary
---- Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
> Good Morning Everyone,

I am working on more material for the bivio Library page and for webinars in the coming months.

I have quite a few ideas for topics but your input would be very valuable to help prioritize things.

If you have a few minutes for some feedback can you let me know things like:

What questions do you have about being a club treasurer that you would like to have more information on?

Are there any operating issues your club has that you'd be interested in more information on?

Why types of topics would you like to see webinars about?

Thanks in advance for any input.  

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!

Hi Mary,

Thank you for the input. It is a good idea. Are you a new treasurer or are you a member of a new club?

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!

Laurie: I am a new member of the Orange County Model Club but this is my 3rd club. I am going to be Asst. Treasurer so that I have time to learn and ask questions before I need to take over. I was treasurer of a group in Cleveland, O. a few years back but need to refresh computerized info. I want to know what general web education is available that I can make myself more prepared; there are so many new computer choices in education. I signed up for Manifest to find out what it does and will use the trial subscription to get comfortable with the software. Don't know if I am ready for it yet or what it can do for me. So, put me on every webinar avail and I won't complain! Hope to get to the regional conference in Ventura, Ca. in October. Thanks for your help, I want to see the Saturday webinar thru Manifest, do I need to sign up for it? Mary
---- Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
> Hi Mary,

Thank you for the input.   It is a good idea.  Are you a new treasurer or are you a member of a new club?

Laurie Frederiksen

Follow us on twitter!

Laurie: I was an assistant treasurer thinking that I had a year to learn the ropes; alas, the treasurer resigned and I am now responsible and need a steep learning curve!!! Any suggestions of what to take first and so on would be greatly appreciated. Mary
---- wrote:

Laurie: I am a new member of the Orange County Model Club but this is my 3rd club. I am going to be Asst. Treasurer so that I have time to learn and ask questions before I need to take over. I was treasurer of a group in Cleveland, O. a few years back but need to refresh computerized info. I want to know what general web education is available that I can make myself more prepared; there are so many new computer choices in education. I signed up for Manifest to find out what it does and will use the trial subscription to get comfortable with the software. Don't know if I am ready for it yet or what it can do for me. So, put me on every webinar avail and I won't complain! Hope to get to the regional conference in Ventura, Ca. in October. Thanks for your help, I want to see the Saturday webinar thru Manifest, do I need to sign up for it? Mary
---- Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
> Hi Mary,

Thank you for the input.   It is a good idea.  Are you a new treasurer or are you a member of a new club?

Laurie Frederiksen

Follow us on twitter!

 I was an assistant treasurer thinking that I had a year to learn the
> ropes; alas, the treasurer resigned and I am now responsible and need a
> steep learning curve!!! Any suggestions of what to take first and so on
> would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Mary,

My suggestion would be to go to the bivio library page:

You will find a whole section there labeled "New Treasurer"

Each of the links you will find there will give you a lot of
information on what you need to do as a club treasurer.

Good luck! Don't forget there are lots of people here to support you
if you have questions after reviewing the material.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Relax, if your club uses bivio then there is much less work
involved being treasurer than several years ago.

First, being web-based, forget about all that time you used
to spend obtaining and installing updates to the accounting
software on your computer.

Second here is list of three things you can do to reduce
your workload even more. If your membership will not accept
all of them at once, then implement any you can as it will
save you time.

a. Use a broker that supports the autosync feature of bivio
so you don’t have to enter all the data manually. Auto
download also will identify most transactions correctly so
you only have to review the entries; not figure them out in

b. Get the members to use the “penny” system to identify
their individual contributions of capital.

c. Get the members to sign up for auto pay from their
checking accounts to the brokerage account. Our broker pulls
the monthly contribution of the members automatically from
their checking accounts on the same day each month. It saves
me from having to process checks, chase down delinquent
members, and the cash is available to invest on our meeting

Good Luck

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club, Phoenix AZ

> I was an assistant treasurer thinking that I had a year to learn the
> > ropes; alas, the treasurer resigned and I am now responsible and need a
> > steep learning curve!!! Any suggestions of what to take first and so on
> > would be greatly appreciated.