Inactive / Deleting Account?

Does anyone know how an account can be deleted in Bivio?
Also, is there a way to set an account inactive? I see
"Show Inactive Account" check box. Hence, I assume that an
account can be set as inactive. But, I just can't find it.

Thanks in advance,
Dear James,

This is a good question and brings up a topic that sometimes creates
confusion about your club accounting.

The first thing everyone should understand is that all historical club
accounting is still affecting your current accounting. You should not
change or delete historical transactions without a complete
understanding of what records you might be affecting.

If you have an account you no longer use, you should leave all the
transactions that happened in that account in bivio. Those
transactions are still part of your historical tax and member
ownership records. After a period of 3 months with no entries, that
account will automatically become "inactive" and will not show up on
the Accounting>Accounts screen unless the "Show inactive accounts" box
at the bottom of the screen is checked. But, any information in
that account that is still needed will be saved in bivio.

If you have created an account by mistake and made entries in it which
should have been made in a different account, you can delete all the
entries individually in the incorrect account, and then add them to
the correct account. Once the incorrect account is emptied out, you
will see a link to delete it from your account list.

You should have an active or inactive account in bivio for every
current and past account your club has ever had.

Laurie Frederiksen
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