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Re: club_cafe: Bivio Quotes and Club valuationsMy club has realized that it's impractical for a valuation statement presented at a club meeting to be both (1) 100% accurate and (2) based on a very recent date. Reports and transactions based on valuation dates are always subject to later correction due to ...
Re: club_cafe: Club change of business classificationKeith, S corporations have considerably less flexibility than partnerships. The first thing that comes to mind is that a partnership can use appreciated stocks to pay off a departing member without incurring tax liability. S corporations can not do that. In some states, S-corporations sometimes ...
Anyone use NAIC's Portfolio Manager software?Our club has finally mastered the SSG and would like to expand our studies into PERT. Is this software worth it? Are there any alternatives? Thanks! Alicia Steel Magnolias Investment Club
Re: Dues?Patrick O'Donnell wrote: > What do other clubs collect dues for? Is this the same as > member contributions? > > Thanks The discussion on "dues" vs "fees" is of interst to me. I am the treasurer of an investment club that has been around ...
RE: club_cafe: partnership agreementIt's hard to clarify some of these things sometimes. When my club started over 10 years ago we were told that we couldn't file a DBA without getting an EIN number and then we were told that we couldn't get an EIN number without an ...
RE: club_cafe: Sending Checks or Using Online Bill Pay for Sending in Member ContributionsThanks for the feedback Leo. Let me know the address you send checks or payments to and I'll make up a page of directions for Fidelity. FYI, the account number I am referring to that needs to go on the memo line is the brokerage ...
Re: club_cafe: interested in joining a club Salem IndianaHi Tanner, I see you are from Indiana. While you are waiting for someone to contact you about a club, may I suggest that you also check the bivio homepage, public directory of clubs, to see if there are any near Salem. Also, I would ...
Re: club_cafe: What happens to returns when you sell and buy back?> And finally, how and when should we be using the > option to change the date to view various investing > periods? What I mean is, when is it beneficial to do that? Keep in mind that returns should only be compared over equal ...
Re: club_cafe: Adding members whom are minorsThere are no accounting or tax issues as long as the minors' social security numbers are on the K-1. They will have to file their own tax returns if there are any capital gains/losses. If the only income is dividend/interest, then their parent(s) can elect ...
Re: Adding a new Single PaymentFinally found it sorry Jay Sternin wrote: > I must be missing something very simple and obvious, but > > We deposited 8 checks with TD and Bivio have 8 transactions > to be completed. > > In entering the names for the various members ...
Re: club_cafe: Club's Bank AccountAnother thing to consider is whether you really need a bank account at all. Brokers will accept deposits sent directly to them. Many offer checking. A club really should have very little need to write checks. It is easy to reimburse members with units of ...
Re: club_cafe: OPIONON REGARDING VALUATION DATESTomas, If your securities prices are being updated automatically, the NAV of the club will change once each day, approximately 8 or 9PM Mountain time. A member payment entry made on the same date as the valuation date will not be finalized until the closing ...
Re: club_cafe: Re: "Your club contains unidentified AccountSync transactions."Thanks Laurie. I've been using AccountSync for years. This change is a recent revelation for me. Maybe it was not required to assign the deposits to members in last year's tax report in Bivio, but as I've been our treasurer for years, this is the ...
Club disbanding: understanding about transferring appreciated sharesThe Stockettes Club of Maryland is finally disbanding after 15 years. (With only 6 members, there were decision-making differences). One or 2 members might want to have appreciated stock transferred to us. The club and I still do not understand the tax implications of this. ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Leaving MemberNicole, it sounds like your PA gives you the options of giving stock or cash or a combination. If that's the case, I would look at the stocks that have the highest returns in your club's portfolio first as those are the most appreciated. By ...