interested in joining a club Salem Indiana
my name is tanner and im 28 years old i live in Salem
Indiana I work for a major telecommunications company
(verizon) and im looking to get into an investment club i
have been investing on scottrade but im interested of having
a larger pool of money to make more please contact me
Hi Tanner,
I see you are from Indiana. While you are waiting for someone to contact you about a club, may I suggest that you also check the bivio homepage, public directory of clubs, to see if there are any near Salem.
Also, I would post a note on the club board at the Investing for Growth forum at There is no (www) in front of this address. It's a very busy forum and a perfect place for people to connect.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and also recommend the National Association of Investors Corp (NAIC), aka BetterInvesting. They have a set of forums, too, but they make it very hard to find them. I believe this will get you there If not, I'm sure someone will correct me. You have to enter your email address, and it will give you access to the forums. It's the BI Discussion List that you are looking for. You can post your request there.
Finally, is the official website to the organization above. Peruse their website, enter your zip code and it will take you to the chapter nearest your location. There you will find contact information for locals.
Good luck,
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club

Join me at InvestEd 2010
August 6-8, Baltimore, MD

> I'm going to go out on a limb here, and also recommend the
> National Association of Investors Corp (NAIC), aka BetterInvesting.
> They have a set of forums, too, but they make it very hard to find them.