Anyone use NAIC's Portfolio Manager software?
Our club has finally mastered the SSG and would like to
expand our studies into PERT. Is this software worth it?
Are there any alternatives?


Steel Magnolias Investment Club
Hi Alicia,
My club uses the Pert report. Many clubs do. It's not the most user-friendly report, but once you understand what you are looking for, it's pretty easy to follow. The form has two sides. One tells you what the company has done for you lately (in other words, is it meeting your expectations?). The other side lays out the value metrics (is the stock a good buy today?).
If you purchased Toolkit to do your SSGs, you already have the Pert and other reports in your arsenal. There's really no need to go elsewhere. But there are alternatives. (which belongs to ICLUB, the maker of the Toolkit software) has just put Toolkit online in a beta test. Not all the pieces are working properly yet, but they should be finished in time to debut it in August at InvestEd 2009 in Salt Lake City. They have a portfolio management report on the beta but I haven't played with it yet. If you are not a member already, it's pretty inexpensive. Only $39/year, and you get all the data files, online classes, community and a bunch of other tools. Plus, there's a 45-day free trial.
There's Investment Account Manager, which is a superb piece of software for managing a portfolio. You can find it at
Or, there's a much simpler version of our methdology at Manifest Investing that may be of interest. Mark Robertson has studied George Nicholson's teachings and come up with something that is fun, easy and understandable. You can sign up for a 30-day trial, read the User's Guide, read some of his newsletters or terrific message boards, and play with his dashboards. It's at
That should be enough variety for you! These are all portfolio "management" tools, not to be confused with portfolio "tracking" tools, like Google, Yahoo or other websites where you can set up and track your stocks.
Write if you have questions.

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
Crow River Investment Club

Join me at InvestEd 2009
August 7-9, Salt Lake City, UT