Adding And Deleting Files in Your File Storage Area
Good Morning, To add to our discussion of saving brokerage statements each month,A I've made this short video that shows you how to upload files to your investment club file storage area.A It also shows you how to delete files from that area. Adding and ...
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Saving Monthly Statements
Do any of your investment clubs have this issue? I am used to getting paper copies of brokerage statements and keeping them in a filing cabinet.A I keep forgetting that in todays world of electronic statements rather than paper ones,A it's probably still a good ...
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Watch List Stocks - Yahoo one year forecasts
Please send more precise instructions as to how to download this spreadsheet and insert my own stocks of interest.A Thank you.
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Fidelity Brokerage Account
I'm a member of a new club that has just been formed. We have set up our brokerage account at Fidelity. Several of our members also have personal accounts at Fidelity. They are interested in making regular club payments from their personal Fidelity account to ...
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It's the Season to Get Ready for What is Coming
As nature prepares to close her books for the season, it's a good time for you to work on getting a head start on your investment club taxes. While you're watching that Saturday afternoon football game or baseball playoff on TV, spend a little time ...
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Expense Reimbursement
We are planning to reimburse one of our club members by writing a check against our brokerage account. What is the proper way to do this in Bivio? Do we just enter it using the Expense transaction against our brokerage account? Or is it similar ...
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BAIDU (BIDU) 1 Year Price Projection
I have been puzzled for a while about why Yahoo shows the 1 year price projection for BIDU to be so high.A Currently it shows as $1571.31.A A Considering the current price of BIDU is $220.49,A that's a pretty significant upside potential! I finally got ...
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What Are Other Clubs Looking At?
For those who are interested in knowing what stocks other clubs are looking at, here is a list of the tickers we've been asked to make Ticker Research pages for over the last few months. We can't guarantee they are all good investments, but we ...
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Watch List With Screened Stock Ideas
Just for fun, I put Bobs screened stock list into a Google Spreadsheet that compares the current prices with the Yahoo 1 year estimated prices.A You can see the results here: Yahoo 1 Year Prices This updates automatically as the stock price or the Yahoo ...
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Living Vicariously, #BABA
Admit it. Some of your investment clubs are curious about investing in BABA which IPO'd on Friday. There are some bivio clubs that took the plunge opening day at an average opening price of $92.40. That's your benchmark for a year from now.A A Do ...
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Tax implications
I am wanting to transfer stocks from our investment Club to my personal TDA account rather than to take a cash withdrawal.. looking at the Member Status Report, will this defer paying tax on the Tax Basis by transferring rather than taking a cash withdrawal? ...
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Why Finance Breeds So Many Arguments
Interesting article by Morgan Housel this morning that has generated some thoughtful discussion in my office. Why Finance Breeds So Many Arguments A A What do you think?A Do you think your perspective about investing is influenced by when you were born?A What about the ...
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Two Things You Need To Do First When You are Deciding on an Investment
%Old School Value blog offers an interesting investing checklist accompanied by a flow chart of the basic steps you should go through to decide if you want to make an investment: Stock Selection Checklist I found it provided several interesting things to think about including ...
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How Much Do You Know About US Tax History?
All you history buffs and those who like learning new things might be interested in this website provided by our friends at the IRS: Understanding Taxes It has a variety of self directed learning activities about the history of our US Income tax system and ...
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Bivio entries
We are a club of 20 members and have a NAV of $185,000. Our members decided we wanted to use some of the funds to pay for a dinner for the members and their guests. We are talking about a $750.00 expenditure to allow us ...
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