Cost Basis and Purchase of Units
In Better Investing Voice Russell Malley says: One misconception is that the cost basis of the members is associated with specific purchases of units, with each purchase having its own cost basis similar to mutual fund shares. This isn't true. As general partnerships, investment clubs ...
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4 Ways To Tell If You're Investing in A Partnership Rather Than Stock
Here's a good question we recently received from one of your investment clubs: "What's the best clue that something is a MLP or a LP as opposed to a stock?A Is there a site that provides their structure?A We don't need any tax hassles or ...
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disruptive new member
Does anyone have anything in their bylaws about withdrawing a disruptive (new) member from the club by majority vote?
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Managing Your Investment Club and Handling Disruptive Members
The discussion here recently about handling a disruptive member is one some of you can probably relate to. If you Google things like "Managing Disruptive Group Members", you will find quite a few useful ideas for dealing with that situation in groups such as your ...
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disruptive new member
In the by laws you can have a clause that a member can be removed for any reason by a majority vote of the officers of the club. (It could be a vote of the partners, but that might result in bad feelings if it ...
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Member Contribution
Laurie, We have a member who wants to make a sizable contribution to increase his holdings in our investment club. I'm aware it doesn't affect the value of other club members, and his contribution will buy "units" which will result in recalculation (downward) of each ...
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The Real Story
From our friend Morgan Housel.A The real news for today: An Honest Stock Market Update Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! A Follow us on twitter!A Follow Us on Google+ Click here to Subscribe to the Club Cafe ...
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Your Club ID
Your Club ID is a short identifier for your club.A It has several useful purposes.A For example, it is part of your club email address.A So,A for example, if your club ID was tycoons, your club email address would be Anyone with an email ...
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KMI (Kinder Morgan Incorporated),A has announced they will be purchasing all the shares of their 3 partnerships,A KMP, KMR and EPB. Kinder Morgan Press Release If you own KMP, KMR or EPB,A you still have tax issues to address which cannot be addressed by bivio ...
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Correct Share Counts
Just a reminder that it is extremely important to check each monthA and make sure that the number of shares shown in bivio for each of your stocks agrees with what is shown on your brokerage statements.A If they don't, none of your club accounting ...
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Partnership Agreement
Only the value of an individual partner's share is at risk, to the best of my knowledge. A club is not a business where all partners may be at risk. The partnership cannot be sued for the actions of 1 partner that are unrelated to ...
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Partnership Agreement
Our club has been in existence since 1996 and we used the partnership agreement that was in the "Beardstown Ladies" Investment Club book. I was wondering if any of the clubs have had an agreement made up by a lawyer. A question that I keep ...
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Net Neutrality
If you have any interest in protecting Net Neutrality, the FCC has extended the comment period and now is the time to say something.A You can easily comment here: John Oliver makes an amusing but powerful case for why you might want to consider ...
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Fidelity brokerage application: non-business activity
Trying to open new brokerage account. every brokerage application have variable requirements. Fidelity : business brokerage application. needs to know if this is 'non-business' activity/partnership. If yes, it asks to list beneficial ownership names having more than 25% capital. My club have 3 members with ...
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dividends receive after sale of stock
We have sold a stock after the ex-dividend date and therefore we had automatic posting when the dividend was paid and additional shares were posted. This is what was posted on the transaction history at the brokerage. Apparently the broker posted a reverse of the ...
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