Thank you so much for this report. The Greenbills Investment Club is excited about it and appreciates it very much Diane Ellison
1 message
It's Everyone's Lucky Day!
That is sooo awesome. Thank you, Laurie. In a message dated 6/12/2014 8:35:39 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: We have just released a new report that many of you have requested and that you will find useful in making sure the cost basis of ...
1 message
crime insurance
Our club has an insurance policy to cover any fraud or theft by the officers. It is getting very expensive given the increasing size of our portfolio. Do other clubs carry this kind of insurance and what insurance companies do you use? Linda This email ...
15 messages
Skype Video Calling (Was No Quorum discussion)
This is a good idea.A Skype now offers group video calling for free for up to 10 people. As Peg notes, that might give you another option to get together for a discussion if you all can't get together in person. Here's more information about ...
4 messages
No quorum
Just wondered what other clubs do when attendance starts to decline and we often end up not having a quorum? We have allowed absentees to send in a report on their stock but that seems to give them license to be absent without guilt. We ...
10 messages
general partnership agreement
i apologize for my rant below. i will reframe my previously answered question again, Is there anything legally(SEC/IRS) wrong to have investment club general partnership agreement to reflect unequal profit sharing? or perhaps it may legally correct and morally wrong? example, treasurer may take additional ...
4 messages
AAPL post split share price
Am trying to run a valuation for a Monday meeting. Have submitted a stock split but the share price has not adjusted. How do I adjust the stock price or when will the database be updated? Thanks
3 messages
Brokerage Requirements
I'm in the process of helping a new investment club get started. We've started to investigate brokerage account requirements (TDA and Scottrade, so far) and some of the answers I'm getting from brokers are not what I anticipated. In particular I have the following questions ...
10 messages
Electronic Transfers Versus Electronic Bill Pay
There is consistently confusion between these two things. All of the brokerages I've dealt with in clubs allow you to use Electronic Bill pay from from a members bank account to send a check to your club brokerage account. To set this up, ask your ...
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There is no right answer. People in the club have different tax situations and different needs. If the club has realized losses or wants to get rid of a losing stock I would go with selling the earliest shares so the gain offsets the loss. ...
3 messages
Hi, My club purchased 100 shares of LKQ back in Nov 2008 at $9.42. In addition we purchased 50 shares in 2009 and again in 2011. The stock has done very well and split in Aug of 2008 giving us 400 shares. We want to ...
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Stop Loss Orders
Just wanted to know does your club use Stop Loss Orders. If so what percentage from current price do you have it set
8 messages
Non Monthly Treasurer Tasks Presentation and Recording
Hi Judy, Yes.A You can find a copy of the presentation and a recording posted here: Non Monthly Treasurer Tasks On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Judy Tallman wrote: Laurie, Is the Sunday session posted where I can print am copy of the ...
1 message
Is there a special tax form when disbanding a club?
We're disbanding after 17 years. No sympathies needed, we're all good with it. Your excellent advice says "The ability to prepare partial year returns is made available sometime in May" but I don't see any special procedure to follow. Do I just use the regular ...
2 messages
Is there a special tax form when disbanding a club?
If you filed a general partnership some counties require that you file a termination paper which usually is associated with a fee. I think you also have to file a 1065K and check the box final or terminal. You can and should complete the K-1's. ...
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