Transferring Shares from one account to another
What is the best way to record the transfer of shares between two broker accounts? We are in the process of closing out one brokerage account and transferring the shares from that account to another one we have. I wanted to get the information ahead ...
2 messages
Discharged Member
Due to an irresponsible treasurer, we were unable to establish our online broker account in a timely manner; therefore, it cost the group about $980 in lost earnings had we traded and purchased a particular stock. Needless to say, there are a couple of perturbed ...
3 messages
Webvan (WBVN)
OK -- So now how do I write off the last $1.26 for the 21 shares we owned of Webvan. :( --Lindy Robertson WISE Investors
7 messages
Transferring Stock from DRP to Broker
Our club has one investment listed twice. We held shares at our brokerage and we had a DRP account. We have closed the DRP account and have recorded the cash received for the fractional shares. The stock certificate for the whole shares was mailed to ...
1 message
NCA V2 & Bivio
Our club has been using both NCA 1.04 and Bivio (each month I export from NCA and upload the NCADATA.DAT file into Bivio). We are considering upgrading NCA to the new release (v2) and was wondering if the export function will still create a file ...
2 messages
Transfer Deceased's holdings to spouse
A partner recently died. What is the best way to transfer the deceased's shares to her spouse, hopefully without curent tax implications?
6 messages
Web Site Closures
Today's Wall Street Journal (5/24/2001) contains an article about yet another Web site that is closing down and will no longer be availalbe to its users. While today's article focused on a site that was shutting down due to too much activity, many web sites ...
6 messages
J&J Stock Split
Today I went to post the J&J stock split and I used the link to 'Stock Split' off the Accounting, Investments page I entered the appropriate ratio my number of shares doubled (like it should) but the price per share did not divide in half ...
2 messages
Dividends and Spin-offs
Our investment club uses NAIC's account software and we also upload it to our clubs web-site at Bivio. Could you please explain why the Cost Basis per Share increases after I enter the dividends paid out by a company? My thinking is that the average ...
2 messages
NCA Software
In this month's meeting we noticed that one of the stocks in our portfolio was showing a "wrong" total return, all of the other numbers however were correct, as far as I can tell. Here are the numbers: On 9/20/00 we bought 6 shares of ...
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Toolkit Software
Does Investware ever plan to offer a web based toolkit program that clubs could use in an online setting such as this? Thanks
1 message
We have an investment club that uses this site so that we can keep up with our records. We are also with the NAIC. I remimbered when we frist set up this site it asked us if we where apart of the NAIC if we ...
2 messages
Investment for club
Our family has just set up an investment club with the purpose of generating money to be used for a family vacation in 3-5 years. We currently have $1600. We will add approximately $50-$100 per month to the fund. We are ready to invest. We ...
2 messages
Indiana state documents
Hello. I am a member of a newly formed investment club and would like to know exactly what documents need to be filed in the state of Indiana concerning the investment club. We have filed our name with the county recorder and have our federal ...
1 message
Accounting Backup File
If I download a backup file of our Bivio online accounting data, is that file then supposed to be usable in NAIC PC Accounting? I originally uploaded our data from the PC Accounting to Bivio and it worked beautifully! Also, is a Bivio backup usable ...
5 messages