NCA V2 & Bivio
Our club has been using both NCA 1.04 and Bivio (each month
I export from NCA and upload the NCADATA.DAT file into

We are considering upgrading NCA to the new release (v2) and
was wondering if the export function will still create a
file that Bivio can read. Has anyone done this yet with the
new version of NCA?

David Sacks wrote:
> We are considering upgrading NCA to the new release (v2) and
> was wondering if the export function will still create a
> file that Bivio can read.


I was at Compufest last week where NCAv2 was demonstrated.
It's my understanding that you cannot go back to prior
versions once you move to NCAv2 and I don't think it will
export to bivio. I hear that it is compatible with IClub's
on-line version. There appears to be a deliberate attempt
by IClub not to have the data compatible with bivio.

FWIW, I didn't see any compelling reason to spend the money
(about $100?) to "upgrade" from 1.04 to 2.0. The new
version has a prettier interface, allows up to 4 user
selected reports to be simultaneously printed and pulls
stock prices automaticly from the web from IClub's web site
for one year. (After the year, I suspect price downloads
will be a fee based service.)

There are also some pretty graphs that can be generated; but
as treasurer, I don't want to use up my expensive color ink
to produce pretty reports for each of my partners when that
info is readily available off reports generated by 1.04. At
this point, the new charting capabilities are simplistic
(for example, showing bar graphs of % ownership by partner
and individual stock holdings as % of the total). The
graphing apears to be only a superficial bell and whistle;
it did not appear to me that there was much useful
functionality added to the new version to justify the price
from my perspective as treasurer.

My personal opinions expressed here are based on only a
cursory look at the new product. Perhaps there will be a
trial demo for us to more fully evaluate its features.

John Munn
Cross Country Investment Club, an on-line club