New Club Looking to start
I've always wanted to manage my own mutual fund. I think this may be just the avenue I need to start. I have over 5 years investment experience. I currently reside in Massachusetts. Any monthly contribution will work. I'm not sure how to prove this ...
3 messages
Book Review: Take on the Street
Just finished "Take on the Street: What Wall Street and Corporate America Don't Want You to Know -- What You Can Do to Fight Back" by Arthur Levitt with Paula Dwyer. The book is shorter (300 pages) than its title suggests. What I like most ...
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club_cafe: Re: K-1's for 2002
DRE will be paying a dividend on 11/28. If you still owned IR as of the market close on 11/18, it will pay a dividend on 12/2. PAYX paid its dividend on 11/15. MO should go ex-dividend in mid-December. You can enter the DRE (and ...
9 messages
club_cafe: Re: Re: K-1's for 2002
No. You would have had to own it at the close of the market on 11/18. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 11/20/02 7:04:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Thanks Ira. One last one. The IR shares were sold the morning of 11/18 (aapprox ...
1 message
K-1's for 2002
Our ckub has decided to disband effective 11/15. I am in the process of liquidating the portfolio. This should be complete by months end. Will I be able to print K-1's this year for 2002 activity or will I have to wait until January? I ...
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club_cafe: K-1's for 2002
I can't speak for bivio's schedule for releasing the tax software, but I wouldn't expect it much, if any, before December 31. In any event, that is irrelevant because if your club disbands in November, you have until 3/17/03 to file your final 1065. I'm ...
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club_cafe: New Club Looking to start
I couldn't agree with Lynn more. Original Message From: Garbagecop [] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 10:01 PM To: The Club Cafe Subject: Re: club_cafe: New Club Looking to start Brandon, Please don't start an investment club. This is not the vehicle you are looking ...
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Lincoln/Omaha Nebraska
Any clubs out there out there who would be intrested in having a multi club meeting. We are all after the same thing, profits. Why not get together and share ideas on stocks, accounting, and ideas in general. Please E-mail, Kevin Duffy ( In the ...
1 message
club_cafe: How to prove sincerity
Based on the disclaimer at the bottom of your note - you certainly don't need any additional legal advice. In all seriousness, internal control is important for investment clubs. We have different members who are able to> sign checks, make trades and deposit money. Broker ...
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club_cafe: How to prove sincerity
There are lots of legal issues associated with investing money for others, the main one being - what happens when you lose money? Anyway, you'd need to meet with an attorney to determine things like structure and registration requirements. A club is able to remain ...
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club_cafe: How to prove sincerity
Right off the bat you have a problem: a club doesn't involve people giving you their money to invest. A club is managed by ALL the partners. What you are suggesting is simply a form of hedge fund. In that case, your first step would ...
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How to prove sincerity
How can I prove to people I intend to make them money via the club and not head to the Bahamas with their money???
1 message
club_cafe: Archiving/retaining clubs data
I would keep the records for at least four years after the due date of the club's final tax return, possibly longer. My logic is as follows: Generally the IRS has three years to audit a return starting from the latter of the due date ...
1 message
Archiving/retaining clubs data
Once a club disbands, how long should the club info (financial records etc) be retained? are their IRS requirements/rules that must be followed? Thanks in advance.
1 message
What to do with profits?
Hello all, Our club has decided to more actively manage our account. We originally were very buy-and-hold oriented, but decided that we would set stop-loss order limits on all our stocks. We also agreed to begin selling portions of our well-performing stocks, so we wouldn't ...
2 messages