New Club Looking to start
I've always wanted to manage my own mutual fund. I think
this may be just the avenue I need to start. I have over 5
years investment experience. I currently reside in
Massachusetts. Any monthly contribution will work. I'm not
sure how to prove this is not a scam or con, perhaps Bivio
can offer me some insight as to how to prove my sincerity
and intend.

Club goals will consist of fast growth with profit divides
between continued growth, Treasury notes, mergers, and more
stable coporate stocks.

Please don't start an investment club. This is not the vehicle you are
looking for. I strongly suggest that you go to work for a company like
Merrill Lynch, A.G. Edwards, Schwab, etc., learn the ropes, put in your
time, and get a (relatively) free education. Then take the appropriate
tests to become certified to do what you want to do. That's how you're
going to win confidence.

There are serious consequences in store for you if you think you can start a
fund without the proper (and expensive!) bonding and licenses. It's highly
illegal and punishable by jail. I suggest you start with the
website and go from there.

The SEC even governs investment clubs to the degree that it won't allow any
silent partners. If you want to control the funds, you need to do the
above. Personally, I wouldn't be worried about you absconding with my
money. I'd be more afraid that you'd lose it all. <G>

Nope, we clubbers will be way too slow for you! If you don't want to do it
right, then find a rich financial backer and learn to day trade. If you as
good as you think you are, you'll pay your financial supporter back with
interest and be completely on your own with no one looking over your

Good luck to you,

Lynn Ostrem
brandon, i am not interesting in givin you money but an
opportunity if you are for real...please email me at

Brandon LaGrange wrote:
> I've always wanted to manage my own mutual fund. I think
> this may be just the avenue I need to start. I have over 5
> years investment experience. I currently reside in
> Massachusetts. Any monthly contribution will work. I'm not
> sure how to prove this is not a scam or con, perhaps Bivio
> can offer me some insight as to how to prove my sincerity
> and intend.
> Club goals will consist of fast growth with profit divides
> between continued growth, Treasury notes, mergers, and more
> stable coporate stocks.