change ticker
how does a group change an unlisted ticker? for example gstrf.ob has just changed to gstre.ob - both unlisted on 'Z'
2 messages
change ticker
how does a group change an unlisted ticker? for example gstrf.ob has just changed to gstre.ob - both unlisted on 'Z'
1 message
Dissolving a Club
Our club has had a nice run, but we've decided we no longer have the time or present interest to continue as we should thus we're dissolving the club. I understand the options for distributing the "wealth," either selling everything and distributing the cash or ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Renewal for taxes only
Paul, Every year I remind my club that your tax feature alone is worth many times more your entire annual subscription fee. I still have the old NAIC program on my old 486 and I can still recall the hours of work filling out the ...
1 message
Renewal for taxes only
Our club has disolved and our account has a zero balance. I therefore will not need Bivio Services next year except for the taxes. I thought it was possible to renew for the taxes only, but I don't see that as an option on the ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Taxes after club disolves
Rosalie, I have never been able to get too excited about the IRS rule to file the final partnership return within 3 1/2 months from the date of termination. I have never seen it enforced, and don't believe the IRS has any way to check ...
1 message
club_cafe: Taxes after club disolves
In a message dated 12/02/03 10:27:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: I understand I have four months to submit the final tax forms to the IRS after our club disolved. This means I must submit the forms before Dec. 31st. How can I do ...
1 message
Taxes after club disolves
I understand I have four months to submit the final tax forms to the IRS after our club disolved. This means I must submit the forms before Dec. 31st. How can I do that when the form in Bivio is for 2002? Rosalie Reed
1 message
Our club owns 41 shares of comcast and we just received a letter from our brokerage firm Harrisdirect that we must buy the additional 59 shares to have a hundred or sell the 41 shares. This has to be done by 12-5-03. our we the ...
1 message
Which stocks are listed in Bivio Database?
Our club owns broadvision (BVSN) and some time ago it became unlisted by Bivio's database. Since I was getting tired of having to hand feed the numbers, I wanted to check it BVSN has been put back on the data feed. How can i check ...
2 messages
club_cafe: New Website!!!
Cool. Love the way you did the pictures! Sharon >From: Michael Hall >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" >To: >Subject: club_cafe: New Website!!! >Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 21:10:00 GMT > >Check out my website and let me know what you think. I'm >not done yet ...
2 messages
New Website!!!
Check out my website and let me know what you think. I'm not done yet but close Thanks, Mike
1 message
club_cafe: Selling Stock
Unless you notify your broker in advance and receive written confirmation of your request, you sell the oldest lots first. See IRS Pub. 551, Investment Income and Expenses (Including Capital Gains and Losses) . Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 11/22/03 8:38:57 PM Eastern ...
1 message
Selling Stock
When selling a stock, how do you know which lot to use?? We have multiple purchases of the same stock and when I go to sell it I am not sure which lot I have sold. Thanks, Jay
1 message
club_cafe: Re: TAX PREPARATION
To add to Paul Moeller's response below, you can expect to receive a second round of 1099-DIVs in March to allocate qualifying and nonqualifying dividends for those situations that may not be determinable as of 12/31/03 (such as late December dividends on stocks purchased in ...
1 message